美国law作业代写 精神状态

2020-03-26 02:37

美国law作业代写 精神状态
 Several states, such as Arizona, use the M’Naghten test to determine whether a person accused of a crime was sane at the time of its occurrence. A psychiatrist from the state of Arizona claimed that Clark’s schizophrenia did not keep him from knowing the difference of right from wrong. The judge sentenced Clark to first degree murder, resulting from the capacity evidence of his actions before and after the shooting, corroborating no signs of his schizophrenia distorting his perception of reality, and “intentionally or knowingly killing a law enforcement officer who is in the line of duty.” (Metzner) Clark appealed this verdict, announcing that Arizona’s insanity test and the Mott rule violated due process, and the trial court’s refusal to apply his mental illness evidence to its determination of mens rea. The court denied his statement of the Arizona Legislature because due process prohibited Arizona from narrowing its insanity test or from excluding evidence of mental illness and incapacity due to mental illness to rebut evidence of the requisite criminal intent.The Supreme Court affirmed the ruling of the Arizona Court of Appeals for failing to find a due process violation in Mott’s ban on considering mental illness evidence to negate the required criminal intent. The justices began dissecting the M’Naghten test by addressing the due process challenge. “The observational evidence included an expert witness’s account of “Clark’s tendency to think in a certain way and his behavioral characteristics” (Metzner). The mental disease evidence consisted of testimonies from professional psychologists or psychiatrists based on opinions from parts of their examinations stating that Clark suffered from a mental disease. The capacity evidence was claimed by the same expert psychologists and psychiatrists and concentrated on the specific details of the mental condition that makes the difference between sanity and insanity. Justice Kennedy opened his statement by saying the Court is incorrect for the holding Arizona has on Eric Clark. He was freed due to the incapacity to collect evidence regarding mens rea. This case disclosed the privilege Clark received based on his mental illness. There was no justice served for the police officer.