
2017-05-14 19:54

AP中文课程提供了一个机会,为高中学生授予中文课程的学分在大学水平。AP中文课程设计符合四分之一学期大学中文课程的水平。它需要完成约250小时的课堂教学,以满足这一水平。学生们强烈建议在高中时参加AP中文课程,以便准备AP中文考试,但这不是要求。AP中文考试最初是在2007日举行的,其目的是评估学生在中国相当于在大学完成四分之一学期语文能力(大学委员会,2010)。AP中文课程的重点是汉语水平与相应的文化内容。希望学生在学习汉语的同时尽可能多地获取中国文化(大学董事会,2010)。中国语言和中国文化是分不开的;他们是彼此紧密交织。当学习文化和文化被吸收在学习语言的过程中学习语言(江,1999)。AP中文课程也为学生展示自己的汉语水平在五个球门区(五CS:沟通、文化、联系、比较和社区)和三(人际交际模式,解释和演示)(大学委员会,2010)。2004全国教育进展评估外语(FL NAEP)框架(国家评估管理委员会,2000)指出,沟通是五个目标中的主要目标。其他四个CS:文化,连接,比较和社区的语言学习提供了有意义的背景。三种交际模式主要强调交际的语境和目的。人际交往模式培养学生与他人直接进行口头或书面交流的能力。解释模式培养学生在适当的文化背景下表现口头和书面交流的能力。呈现方式培养学生的能力,口头,或书面,信息,概念和想法听众或读者(学院董事会,2010)。
The AP Chinese program offers an opportunity for high school students to grant Chinese course's credit at the college level. The AP Chinese course is designed to match the level of a fourth semester college Chinese course. It is required to complete approximately 250 hours of classroom instruction to meet this level. Students are strongly recommended to take the AP Chinese course in high school in order to prepare for the AP Chinese exam but it is not a requirement though. The AP Chinese exam was first held in May 2007 and its objective is to assess students' proficiency in Chinese equivalent to completing a fourth semester Chinese course in college (College Board, 2010).The AP Chinese course focuses on Chinese language proficiency with linking appropriate Chinese cultural content. It is expected students to acquire as much Chinese culture as possible while learning Chinese language (College Board, 2010). Chinese language and Chinese culture are inseparable; they are closely interweaving each other. Language is learned when studying culture and culture is absorbed in the process of learning a language (Jiang, 1999). The AP Chinese course also prepares students to demonstrate their Chinese proficiency level across five goal areas (Five Cs: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons and Communities) and three communicative modes (Interpersonal, Interpretive and Presentational) (College Board, 2010). 2004 Foreign Language National Assessment of Educational Progress (FL NAEP) framework (The National Assessment governing Board, 2000) points out that Communication is the main goal among five goal areas. The other four Cs: Cultures, Connections, Comparisons and Communities are providing the meaningful context for language learning. Three communicative modes mentioned above place primary emphasis on the context and purpose of the communication. Interpersonal mode develops students' ability to engage in direct oral or written communication with others. Interpretive mode develops students' ability to demonstrate understanding of spoken and written communication within appropriate cultural contexts. Presentation mode develops students' ability to present, orally and/or in writing, information, concepts and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers (College Board, 2010).