
2018-04-01 21:24

We reviewed the numerous literatures in the references including the ones mentioned above. Using augmented reality in learning is not new. Wagner and Barakonyi [8] used augmented reality to help students to learn Japanese Kanji characters. Sumadio and Rambli [6] used augmented reality for teaching high school physics, which serves as a reference for executing an augmented reality system in a classroom environment. These two researches are both relevant to our studies as we conclude that augmented reality can be used to teach a language, and it is possible to executive an augmented reality system in a classroom environment.There are a few unknowns in our research. We anticipate that we can modify Wagner and Barakonyi's augmented reality Kanji learning system for learning English words. We assume that it is possible modify the input to use English words instead of Japanese Kanji. The literatures mentioned above are not meant to be used by small children; rather most of them are designed to be used by students in high schools.