美国Arts Assignment代写:钢琴独奏

2017-03-04 11:35

我们将采用被动和主动的对我的钢琴独奏会的讨论之间的区别,在被动的音乐是我们所听的音乐、活跃的音乐是我们演奏的音乐。舒曼是作曲家,我们将重点讨论时,是钢琴演奏的文化事件。 舒曼是德国音乐浪漫主义的重要人物。(延森2001)舒曼专门写抒情的钢琴音乐和歌曲,也由管弦乐合唱和室内作品引人注目。他的文学创作是出于对文学的热爱,其文学批评和创作。他被迫放弃了他的职业生涯作为钢琴家后,严重损害,用加强装置,手指在他的右手。舒曼写的钢琴作品,是一个连接的短段,如Kreisleriana和狂欢节。连接在一起,这些部分付出了极大的关注细节,形成环环相扣的组成。一个有才华的音乐记者,他是一个他每天最重要学术期刊的主编,新的杂志,FüR音乐。1840他写了超过一百首歌曲,那一年被称为他的“年度歌曲”,包括Dichterliebe和Liederkreise的歌曲循环。舒曼因梅毒而患有抑郁症和精神不稳定,死于收容所。 舒曼认为,音乐的传播是从大师们的小想法或感受音乐的攻击下。他的使命是在他的杂志Die Neue杂志FüR的音乐,这,也许在它的名字暗示着新的音乐,提升音乐历史证明–音乐,经受住了“时间的考验”,他看到时代兴起的钢琴弹奏从球员谁想成为名人,在他们自己的权利,没有识别的音乐,这是他们玩的,就不构成作品的音乐传播的框架思想,而是在清晰地传达音乐的技术复杂性。他们的思想感情和行为的无知,作曲家,舒曼说,是非利士人。因此他创立了davidsbündler,或“联盟戴维”,命名为圣经的戴维国王后,他创作的音乐,写诗歌,击杀非利士人。

美国Arts Assignment代写:钢琴独奏

We will employ this distinction between passive and active to our discussion of the piano recital, where passive music is the music we listen to and active music is the music we play. Schumann is the composer we will focus on when discussing the cultural event that is the piano recital.
Robert Schumann was a significant figure in German musical romanticism. (Jensen 2001) Schumann specialised in writing lyrical piano music and songs, but also composed notable orchestral choral and chamber works. He literary output was motivated by his love of literature which informed his musical criticism and composition. He was forced to abandon his career as a pianist after critically damaging, with a strengthening device, a finger on his right hand. Schumann wrote piano works that were a linking of short sections, such as Kreisleriana and Carnaval. Linked together, these sections paid extreme attention to detail, forming an interlocking composition. A talented music journalist, he was editor on one of the most significant journals of his day, Die Neue Zeitschrift für Musik. In 1840 he wrote over a hundred songs, a year that became known as his “year of song”, including the song cycles Dichterliebe and Liederkreise. Schumann suffered from depression and mental instability as a result of syphilis and died in an asylum.
Schumann believed that musical communication was under attack from virtuoso players who had little thought or feeling for music. His mission statement was given in his journal Die Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, which, perhaps in spite of its name suggesting new music, promoted music proven by history – music which had withstood the “test of time” His era saw the rise of piano virtuosity from players who wanted to become celebrities in their own right without recognition of whose music it was they played, going so far as to compose pieces without thought about the framework of the musical communication, preferring technical complexities over clearly communicated music. Their ignorance of the thought, feeling and behaviour of composers, said Schumann, was philistine. He thus founded the Davidsbündler, or “League of David”, named after the biblical King David, who composed music, wrote poetry and slew the Philistines.
