
2017-03-20 00:24

当考虑到风险和需求时,临床医生往往会迅速转向客户环境中的不足之处。然而,收集有关客户的优势,资源,连接,知识基础和支持系统的信息是一个重要和相当大的一块评估。突出客户积极属性的原因有两个。最重要的是,重要的是要提醒客户他的能力,以及在他的生活的许多领域。由于临床医生必须关注客户的需求,他们的优势往往在关键时刻被埋没或被推开。如果没有别的,客户有自己的优势,他们自己可能不记得或注意,因为他们正在处理当前的生活压力。 风险管理的一个明显的例子是很好的一篇文章中描绘的资金(2004)。作者批评现有的儿童保护系统。根据1995制定的儿童令,北爱尔兰有兴趣重组儿童服务,以使他们更适用和更有效。健康和社会保健信托的主要目标是帮助家庭在一个问题的早期阶段,以防止危机。进行的研究,以检查是否正在实施适当的风险管理技术。不幸的是,研究表明,目前在该领域的性能过于基础,并使用更多的监测系统,而不是一个实现工具。


When considering risk and needs, the clinician often moves quickly toward the deficiencies in the client’s environment. However, gathering information regarding the client’s strengths, resources, connections, knowledge base, and support system is an important and considerable piece of assessment. There are two essential reasons for highlighting the client’s positive attributes. Most importantly, it is important to remind the client of his ability to fare well in many areas of his life. Due to the requirement that clinicians have to focus on the client’s needs, their strengths often get buried or pushed aside at crucial times. If nothing else, clients have their strengths, which they themselves may not recall or pay due attention to because they are dealing with current life stressors.
A clear example of risk management is well portrayed in an article by Devaney (2004). The authors critique the existing child protection system. Based on the Children Order developed in 1995, Northern Ireland is interested in reorganizing children’s services in an attempt to make them more applicable and effective. The Health and Social Care Trusts’ main objective is to assist families at an earlier stage of a problematic situation in order to prevent a crisis. The study was conducted to examine whether the risk management techniques were being implemented appropriately. Unfortunately, the study showed that current performance in the field are too basic and are utilized as more of a monitoring system rather than an implementation tool.