
2018-05-14 23:46

墨西哥的教育一直是批评的对象。在这个发展中国家,没有足够的教师是教育的一大问题。有人说,做教师的要求还不够高。雷耶斯·加西亚和他的合作伙伴巴利加·马丁内斯(Barriga Martinez, n.d)谈到了在他们的出版物中,教师的准备工作的不足,尤其是在Docencia。他们谈论的是,政府系统地组成教师的方式是完全无效的。老师们被要求在任何领域都有学士学位才能进行教学,并且他们给教师讲授教学课程以学习教学技巧,但是这些课程都是无效的。该刊物讨论了不同的方法来进行更有效的教育。高中老师在被雇佣之前,应该主导这个课程。同时,他们也应该得到与纪律和准备课堂的方法相关的课程,做任何形式的陈述,设计作业,精心的测试,以及了解那些已经教学了很长时间的人的经验。他们还应该选修心理学课程来更好地了解青少年的学习方式。
The education in Mexico has been target of bad criticism. The fact that there are not enough teachers is a big issue for education in this developing country. It has been said that the requirements for being a teacher are not high enough. The brothers Reyes García, and collaborator Barriga Martínez (n.d.), talk about the deficiency of the preparation of teachers in their publication Especialidad en Docencia. They talk about how it has been absolutely invalid the way the government systematically form teachers. Teachers have been asked only to have a bachelor's degree in any field to be able to practice teaching, and they give teachers pedagogic courses to learn techniques of teaching, but these courses have been not effective. The publication discusses different methods to have a more effective education. "High school teachers, before being hired, should dominate the subject to be taught. Also, they should have received lessons related to the discipline and the way to prepare a class, make presentations of any kind, design homeworks, elaborate tests, and having known the experience of people that has been teaching for a longer time. They also should take psychology courses to understand better the ways of learning of adolescents."