
2017-04-26 00:52

However, not all participants in single-sex schools enjoy the increased opportunities and benefits listed above. For some families, the most important benefit of single-sex schools is the reinforcement of their religious or cultural values. For example, the Muslim religion prohibits the socialisation or combined activities of girls and boys after puberty. The government is unwilling to fund Muslim schools, although their number is increasing rapidly in several areas of the United Kingdom, for reasons that will not be debated here. This leads some Muslim families to send their daughters on lengthy visits to their country of origin, or to enrol them in Muslim girls’ schools that the family may find difficult to afford (Haw 1994). “It is not unusual to find Muslim girls taking up many of the few places available to children of other religions in both Roman Catholic and Church of England schools,” as their families would rather they be in conflicting religious environments than mixed with boys (Haw 1994, 5). While such schools recognise the moral and cultural values of such a community, these educational institutions are not likely to provide some of the opportunities discussed above. These schools “reduce the educational opportunities available to Muslim girls because it is believed that such schools reflect a cultural tradition which relegates women to an inferior position and gives them a substandard education” 
