
2017-06-20 22:21

在第二阶段,我经历了动机的变化,影响了我的第二语言学习。从中学到1到中学5,内在动机对我影响最大。根据Deci和Ryan(1985),内在动机是指学习者获取快乐,通过自己的学习目标语言的乐趣和满足。学生参与活动的内在动机活动本身和它带来的内部奖励,能力和决心的感觉(Deci,1975)。那时,我受到了两位好的英语老师的启发,他们教我学习英语的意义。从那时起,我开始喜欢学英语,觉得英语很有趣。另外,我喜欢做有挑战性的任务,比如英语语法练习和绕口令。如果我能成功地应对这些挑战,满足感会让我爱上英语。而且,在这个阶段,我受到了综合动机的刺激。加德纳和兰伯特(1972)提出的综合动机是指学习者学习目标语言文化、人或语言本身的吸引力而学习第二语言的能力。在第二3,我被奥运会吸引,特别是观看游泳比赛,因为[ 1 ]米迦勒菲尔普斯。我完全被他吸引住了,我开始关注他的一切。在网上搜索他的信息不仅帮助我更了解他,而且还帮助他了解国外文化和语言,因为他在网上的信息都是用英语写的。它启发我付出努力,以提高我的英语水平,因为知道更多的英语帮助我了解菲尔普斯更多的搜索时。从那时起,我渴望与当地社会的成员交流(加德纳和兰伯特,1975)。内在动机和整合动机对我中学英语学习的影响。
During the Secondary Stage, I experienced changes in motivation which affected my L2 learning. From secondary.1 to secondary 5, intrinsic motivation impacted me most. According to Deci & Ryan (1985), intrinsic motivation refers to a learner gets pleasure, enjoyment and satisfaction through learning the target language itself. Learners engage in the intrinsically motivated activities for their own sake and it brings about internally rewarding, feelings of competence and determination (Deci, 1975). At that time, I was inspired by two good English teachers who taught me the meaning of studying English. Since then, I started to enjoy learning English and thought English was fun. Additionally, I loved doing challenging English tasks such as Grammar drills and tongue twisters. If I could manage these challenges successfully, sense of satisfaction would intrinsically make me love English. Moreover, I was stimulated by the integrative motivation at this stage. Suggested by Gardner and Lambert (1972), integrative motivation refers to a learner learns a second language because of the attractiveness of the target language culture, people or the language itself. In Secondary 3, I was attracted by the Olympics Games especially watching swimming events because of [1] Michael Phelps. I was totally attracted by him and I started to pay attentions to everything about him. Searching for his information on internet not only helped me to know him more, but also foreign cultures and languages as his information on web were in English. It inspired me to pay effort to enhance my English proficiency as knowing more English helped me to know Phelps more when searching. I desired to communicate with or even become part of the members of the native society (Gardner and Lambert, 1975) since then. The intrinsic and integrative motivation did influence me on learning English at the secondary stage.