
2019-12-27 19:06

Another step to becoming a sustainable university is to cut down on plastic waste, this can be from the plastic bags lining rubbish bins to eliminating all plastic straws from campus grounds. An attempt to use less plastic would not only greatly benefit the environment but also allow peace of mind for staff and students attending the university, knowing that they are part of an institution who cares enough to act upon regular discussion. Therefore, this can relate back to strategy one, and attract more eligible and high-performing staff.The quality of staff is important for educational institutions as this affects the quality of education,  environment and educational culture. Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) focuses on the analysis and design of business processes within an organisation. BPR would help UoA to fundamentally rethink how they carry out their operations in order to dramatically improve student services.  This could include reducing unnecessary expenses and appropriating the use of resources by allocating the working hours and collocations of faculty and staff. This would increase the interaction between students and staff and would improve the quality of education.Additionally, human resource strategic management can improve business resource allocation flexibility, academic education innovation and the competitive advantage of education capabilities. The impact of human resource management on efficiency is mainly reflected in motivating employees’ work efficiency. It can enhance the consistency of goals by rewarding employees and increase the motivation of employees to complete academic research. For example, develop performance indicators for employee quality, and awards for employee promotion and rewards for employees with outstanding contributions.