
2019-12-15 20:58

年轻人花太多的钱在淘宝网上购物。因为淘宝的售价比其他地方便宜。Pan(2001)认为价格对商品的销售有显著的影响,但其系数和绝对值为负。因为买家无法从视觉上识别商品,高价商品更难出售。此外,大多数年轻人买不起在其他商店出售的高价产品。因此,他们更喜欢在淘宝购物。此外;淘宝上的许多卖家都是兼职,他们在生意上花了太多时间。当他们专注于自己的淘宝业务时,公司分配给他们的任务可能会推迟。在淘宝上,买卖双方的风险是难以避免的。西藏野驴el。(2009)发现购买者不得不接受网上购物的高风险。因此,这就给互联网商业带来了一个巨大的障碍。信用卡诈骗问题,是由人们在互联网上做生意,不断增加。只有在信息流、资金流和物流完成回流之后,商业交易才能被视为完成的交易(Zhang, 2008)。对于卖方的风险,他们必须对一些丢失的货物负责,即使快递公司赔偿了货物价格的50%。由于客户的风险,很难给客户邮寄一些电子设备。同时,这种产品很容易分解。如果客户发现产品损坏,在收到破损的货物后,他们不能将货物退还给卖家。
Young people spend too much money on Taobao internet shopping. Because the selling prices in Taobao are cheaper than in the other places. According to Pan (2001), pricing has a significant influence for selling goods but with negative coefficient and absolute value. Because buyers cannot identify the goods visually, the high price goods are harder to sell. Beside, Majority of young people cannot afford the high price products which are sold in other shops. For this reason, they prefer to shop at Taobao. Moreover; many sellers on Taobao, who work as part-time, spend too much time on their business. When they concentrate on their Taobao business, their assignments form the company maybe delays. It is difficult to avoid the risks for the seller and buyer on Taobao. Kiang el at. (2009) discovers that the buyers have to accept the high risks for purchasing online. For this reason, this leads to a significant obstacle in internet commercial business. Credit card fraud problems, is caused by people who make business on the internet, are continuously increasing. Only after information flow, capital flow and logistics finished backflow, the business deal could be regarded as a completed transaction (Zhang, 2008). For the sellers’ risk, they have to responsible for some missing goods, even though the delivery companies compensate 50% of goods price. For customers’ risk, it is hard to post customers some electronic devices. Meanwhile, this kind of products is easy to be broken down. If the customers discovered the damage of the products, after they receive broken goods, they could not return the goods to the seller.