
2017-03-11 01:29

经济移民和移民在全球化的争论中扮演的角色,部分原因是由于它与以前的贸易、帝国和工业劳动的迁移有很大的不同。这是有区别的在这个意义上,在以后的第二十个世纪的迁徙,已经由倾向散居的定义,而不是二进制,或轴圆周运动,这些运动都比以前更广泛的国家的相互作用,以及这些运动导致了众多的浓度的文化在越来越多的全球或世界各地世界各地的城市 城堡和Miller(1998)具有优良的范围描述,面对不断变化的经济移民和移民,席卷全球以来,流程重组世界经济经历了上世纪70年代和80年代和90年代初,冷战结束以来,东欧一直被前苏联国家的经济移民上升,许多东欧国家作为进一步转移到西欧富裕国家的缓冲状态。中东遇到了石油大国的运动,无论是阿拉伯地区本身,还是东亚和东亚地区,无论是在高科技产业还是在服务业,都是由South和东亚两个国家组成的。撒哈拉以南非洲地区也出现了移民的增长,大学受过教育的非洲人在西欧和美国寻找就业岗位的增加,以及越来越多的受教育程度较低的劳工移民在西方找到工作。拉丁美洲也目睹了国家之间的运动(例如哥伦比亚和委内瑞拉),以及北美国的增长。从20世纪70年代起,到中东、在上世纪90年代和90年代,亚太地区也出现了大量的经济移民。


The role that economic immigration and migration plays within the debate surrounding globalisation is partly due to the fact that it is a very different phenomenon from the previous migrations of trade, empire and industrial labour. It is differentiated in the sense that migrations in the later 20th century have been defined by tendencies towards diaspora, rather than binary, or axis periphery movements, that these movements have involved a much wider interplay of countries than before, and that these movements have resulted in multitudinous concentrations of cultures within an increasing number of Global or World cities around the globe
Castles and Miller (1998) describe with excellent scope, the changing face of economic migration and immigration that has swept the globe since the process of restructure the world economy underwent in the 1970s and 1980s, and since the end of the cold war in the early 1990s. Eastern Europe has seen a rise in economic migrations from former soviet states, with many Eastern European states acting as buffer states for further transference to the wealthier states of Western Europe. The Middle East has encountered movements of peoples to the oil rich states, from both the Arab region itself and South and East Asia for work both in high tech industry and the service sector. Sub Saharan Africa has also witnessed the growth of emigrants, with college educated Africans finding increasing employment in Western Europe and America, as well as an increasing number of less educated labour migrants finding work in the west. Latin America has also witnessed a growth in movements between countries (for example Colombia and Venezuela), as well as to North America. The Asia pacific region has also witnessed large economic migrations in the period from the 1970s onwards, to the Middle East, North America, and in the 1990s within the nations of the region itself.
