
2017-06-18 23:49

本文收集定量数据的主体将是孩子们的学习内部动机的库存的承诺(到)。设计了1986个由E·规模措施,孩子的内在动机在学校环境的定义由Gottfried自己。这个清单被选中了,因为它只关注内在动机,而其他动机,如小学动机量表,也包括外在动机等因素的度量。这种“自我报告”清单是为小学生设计的,44个问题的措辞在一个适合年龄的阅读水平,但是,对于那些不能独立完成这项任务的人来说,阅读这些问题是可能的。班级教师将管理库存。清单测量了四个学校科目的内在动机,并提供了一个整体的学校动机等级。这与先前关于元认知和内在动机需要特殊关注的文献评论有关。参与者被要求回答使用五点的利克特量表是由每个答案分配一个数值得分每个问题。使用这样一个清单的最大好处是,它可以快速而容易地管理给所有参与者,也不需要对完成进行解释(威廉姆斯,1997)。另一方面,一个不利因素是,孩子们可能不会如实回答(对问题缺乏理解或不愿如实回答),因此结果会受到影响(如et,2009)。Gottfried曾试图否定这种利用年龄适当的语言和内在动机的正面和负面的例子”(威廉姆斯,1997)其中一个比较突出bias.although定量数据是最容易从中抽取的结果,它是确保所有收集的数据是在最后报告中给予了相同的权重重要(赫瑟- Biber,2010)。完成到后,每五个分量表的原始分数(四学术和一个整体)可以得到。一旦原始分数已经确定,库存的手册提供的表格数据转换成标准T分数和百分位。通过使用这种比较的平均得分,有可能把一个孩子从低到高的内在动机的动机连续体。使用图表,与百分位数或标准化的比例一起,就可以绘制条形图,以便评估和比较数据,例如:在目标对象上为每个孩子前后的结果。它也可能是建设性的,作为条形图,每个孩子的内在动机的变化,反映了积极和消极的变化的可能性。也可以看到,对于论文的一个问题(d),画一个散射图来演示可能发生的变化的程度是有帮助的。
The main bulk of quantitative data collected in this dissertation will be the undertaking of the Children's Academic Intrinsic Motivational Inventory (CAIMI). Devised 1986 by A E Gottfried, the scale measures children's intrinsic motivation in a school environment as defined by Gottfried herself. This Inventory has been chosen over others as it focuses purely on intrinsic motivation, where as others that were considered, such as the Elementary School Motivational Scale, also include measures for factors such as extrinsic motivation. This 'self - report' Inventory is designed for children of primary school age, with wording of the 44 questions at an age appropriate reading level, however, it is possible for the questions to be read to individuals who are unable to complete this task independently. Class teachers will administer the Inventory. The Inventory measures intrinsic motivation in four school subjects and also provides an overall school motivation rating. This links with the comments made earlier in the literature review regarding metacognition and intrinsic motivation needing subject specific attention. The participants are asked to respond to each question using a five point Likert scale that is scored by assigning a numerical value to each answer. The biggest advantage of using an Inventory such as this is that it can be administered quickly and easily to all participants and it requires little explanation for completion (Williams, 1997). On the other hand a disadvantage is that children may not respond 'truthfully' (a lack of understanding the question or unwillingness to give truthful answers) and so the results are compromised (Ary et al, 2009). Gottfried has attempted to negate this by using age appropriate language and 'both positive and negative instances of intrinsic motivation' (Williams, 1997) a comparison of which will highlight bias.although quantitative data is the easiest from which to extract results, it is important to ensure that all data collected is given an equal weighting in the final report (Hesser - Biber, 2010). After completing the CAIMI, the raw score for each of the five sub scales (four academic and one overall) can be gained. Once raw scores have been determined, the Inventory's manual provides tables to convert the data into normalised T scores and percentiles. By using this form of comparison with a mean score, it is possible to place a child on a motivation continuum from low to high intrinsic motivation. Using a graph, in conjunction with either a percentile or standardised scale, it will be possible to draw bar graphs for the purpose of evaluation and comparison of data, for example: before and after results for each child across the target subjects. It may also be constructive to plot, as a bar chart, the change in intrinsic motivation for each child, reflecting the possibility of both positive and negative changes. It is also possible to see that for one of the dissertation questions (d) it would be helpful to draw a scatter gram to demonstrate the level of change that may have occurred.