
2017-11-01 22:47

This is an interesting play that can be analyzed through structural approach. The writer choose the women roles in domestic life in A Doll House drama by Henrik Ibsen to analyze with the theme of the play because the whole story is contains of women roles that the main character faced in the domestic life. Beside that the writer choose this topic because in the previous study from student of Petra Christian University entitled A Study of Nora’s Disappointment as A Woman Toward Social Expectations that are Represented By Her Father and Her Husband (Helmer) As Seen in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll House. There have been analyzed about the factors that make Nora disappointed toward the expectation of her father and her husband. She also encouraged to find out how Nora solves her disappointment by using literary devices such as characterization and conflict. (Olivia, 2005:V) . The writer is interested in analyzing A Doll House by applying structural approach to reveal women roles in domestic life in A Doll House. There are two roles that the writer wants to reveal from this play, they are women as financial manager and women as housewife.