
2018-07-07 13:39

教育是人类生活的基础,它能提高人的心智能力,促进人的和谐成长。这也有助于在生活的各个领域和谐地成长——身体、智力、社会和情感。教育在一个国家的进步中起着至关重要的作用。教育是人力资源开发的终身投资。受过教育的人力的质量和数量决定了一个国家的实力。所有发达国家和受过教育的国家都认识到生活教育与社区需要密切联系的需要(Singhal, 1991)。所有发达国家都有其强大的教育结构体系。巴基斯坦目前的教育结构是5+3+2+2,初级阶段,中间阶段,其次是高等教育阶段,最后是高等教育。在中学教育的基础上进行研究,使其在中学阶段得到重视。中等教育是整个教育体系的一个重要分支。一方面,它为经济和其他方面提供了中层劳动力;它是高等教育的一个因素。高等教育希望在不同领域培养出高质量的专业人才,这取决于中等教育的质量(Shah, 2007)。中等教育是一个学生进入青春期的阶段。这是人生最关键的阶段。行为的基本认知和模式开始形成,随着生活中新角色的出现而出现的调整问题具有重要的意义
Education is basic in the life of man, which is able to sharpen his faculties of mind, and helps to grow harmoniously. This also helps to grow harmoniously in every sphere of life-Physical, intellectual social and emotional. Education plays vital role in the progress of a country. Education is a life long investment in human resources development. The quality and quantity of educated manpower determine the strength of a nation. All developed and educated countries have recognized the needs of intimate relation of education of life and needs of the community (Singhal, 1991).All the developed countries have the strong education structure system in their countries. The present structure of education in Pakistan is 5+3+2+2, primary stage, middle stage and then secondary and higher stage and at last higher education. The research study on the basis of secondary education so that it is emphasized on secondary level (IX-X). Secondary education is an important sub sector of the entire educational system. On the one hand, it provides the middle level workforce for the economy and other; it acts as a factor for the higher levels of education. Higher education, which expected to produce quality professionals in different fields, hinges on the quality of secondary education (Shah, 2007).Secondary education is a stage, where a student enters, adolescence. This is the most crucial stage of life. The basic perceptions and models of behavior start taking shape and problems of adjustment with the new role in life assume critical significance