洛杉矶教育学代写 澳洲教育

2020-09-04 08:41

洛杉矶教育学代写 澳洲教育
 In a study by Creed and Hennessy (2016), 283 university undergraduates in Southeast of Queensland, Australia were identified into three categories of goal orientation: mastery approach, performance approach, and performance avoidance. To summarize briefly, each profile is motivated by different factors. Mastery-approach involves intrinsic motivation and holds the view that skills and competencies can be developed. Performance-approach, conversely, holds the view that ability is fixed. People with this approach tend to set high goals, but they do so to receive positive feedback from others. Performance-avoidance individuals seek to avoid negative outcomes out of fear of being perceived as incompetent. They tend to set low goals and tend to withdraw from engaging with accomplishing goals. The authors used measures to identify the goal orientations of the research sample using the Achievement Goals Questionnaire. These goal orientations were then connected to other variables through use of structural equation modeling. One noteworthy result is that the goal orientation of performance avoidance individuals had no association with the career exploration variable. This is worrisome as a lack of career exploration may lead to hardship for individuals in the future. Career exploration is one component of building self-efficacy in the area of career decision-making. Performance avoidance characteristics also connect to the theories of self-efficacy. This study illustrates the importance of addressing levels of low self-efficacy and using interventions that can increase it .Another example of a successful intervention built upon the tenets of self-efficacy theory is a case study by Reddan (2015). This study set out to examine the effects of an intervention called Field Project A on career decision-making self efficacy of undergraduate students majoring in Exercise Science. This intervention provides students an array of learning opportunities that are linked to the strategies proposed by proponents of self efficacy theory (performance accomplishments, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and emotional arousal). The results from a pretest and posttest administration of the Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale Short-Form (CDMSE-SF) indicated that the participants improved in areas of vocational information, planning, and problem-solving.
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