Management Assignment代写:管理方式

2017-02-22 16:13

毕竟,我们必须找到另一种管理方式。在最近的过去的民间社会组织(民间组织)合作机构包括第三部门倡议的旗帜下已经公开参与准备自己来帮助弱势群体在灾难发生地区(Rajendran,2006)在建立社会资本领域。不同的实体和其他民间社会组织合作机构有丰富的经验在全球范围内已经取得了相当大的变化在社会(莫里西,1997)。当地的合作组织,区域和国家的地位已单独或与其他民间组织协会正在研究防灾减灾。一些例子可以解释。在十二月2004海啸恢复的合作倡议的承诺参与已在许多国家,特别是在印度广受好评。海啸在泰米尔纳德邦和缩影沿海国家造成毁灭性的影响仍然是绿对受影响的社区和民间组织有头脑扩展短期和长期的康复任务,仍继续下去,当幅度相当大的情况是令人遗憾的。当地的合作组织,区域和国家的地位已单独或与其他民间组织协会致力于在印度南部泰米尔纳德邦–减灾和灾后重建,其中超过13万人受到影响,约8000的人失去了他们的生命。另一个例子是在bhgawanpur块I & II洪水、Patashpur等purba梅迪尼布尔区下。这场灾难之后的合作社或PACS通过贷款动摇方案,波对象的成员贷款不仅而且PACS给短期作物贷款给农民虽然是他们的本职工作但灾难总贷款额后,较以往的时间。

Management Assignment代写:管理方式

After all these here we have to need to find an alternative way of management. In the recent past Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) including cooperative agencies under the banner of Third Sector Initiatives have been vocally involved in preparing themselves to help vulnerable communities in the disaster occurred regions (Rajendran, 2006) in the domain of building social capital. Cooperative institutions with different entities and other CSOs have rich experience across the globe and have made considerable metamorphose among the societies (Morrissey, 1997). The cooperative organizations of local, regional and national stature have been either independently or in association with other CSOs are working on disaster mitigation and rehabilitation. With some examples this can be explained. The committed involvement of the cooperative initiatives during the December 2004 tsunami rehabilitation has been widely acclaimed in many countries and more particularly in India. Tsunami made devastating impact on the coastal State of Tamil Nadu and the epitome is still green on the minds of the affected community and the CSOs have extended both short-term and long-term rehabilitation tasks and still it continues, as the magnitude is quite large and the situation was deplorable. The cooperative organizations of local, regional and national stature have been either independently or in association with other CSOs are working on disaster mitigation and rehabilitation in a South Indian State – Tamil Nadu, where more than 13 lakh people affected and about 8,000 people lost their lives. Another example which is a flood at Bhgawanpur Block I & II, Patashpur etc. under district of Purba Medinipur. After this disaster the cooperative society or PACS through the loan waver scheme, wave the loan of the loanee members not only that but also PACS have given short term crop loan to the farmers though it is their regular work but after the disaster total loan amount was higher than the previous time.