
2018-11-07 13:03

确保这种幸福感并确保相关表现的能力——包括我自己以及其他学习者——以及最终的同事——是我将从整个模块中获得的关键发展点之一。正如墨菲和里焦所指出的,“……复杂性提供了资源(认知、社交、行为),可以对给定的情况产生大量可能的反应。”个人和组织都是健康的,当他们能够对特定的情况做出许多反应时,就会茁壮成长,当他们统一和专业化时,就会变得脆弱和易受变化的条件的影响。”(12)。我倾向于认为这是理解心理契约的个人、人际和战略意义。正如威廉姆斯对这一现象所指出的那样,“公平的人际关系方面提醒我们,雇主和雇员之间的交流关系有社会基础,我们可能希望这是心理契约的一部分。”“(13)我将从这个模块学到的关键目标之一是理解——通过使用反思性循环——个人之间、群体内部、利益相关者之间、员工和管理层之间心理契约的发展。”我认识到,这本身就是一个很大程度上依赖于使用自己情商能力的目标,而这本身就是一个持续的任务。正如戈尔曼所观察到的,“……与我们熟悉的智商测试不同,目前还没有一种纸笔测试能得出情商得分,而且可能永远也不会有。”(14)事实上,可以这么说的是,那些将情商作为其技能设置的主要方面的人,倾向于完全避开正式的学习情境,完全依赖于他们对情境和人际交往技巧的解读,而不是凭据主义来达到他们想要达到的目标。对我来说,重要的一点是要认识到这些技能在社会化的劳动力队伍中越来越重要,对实现共同目标至关重要。正如Guest和Conway所说:“ 建立在组织和员工之间公平、信任和交易执行的三大支柱之上,积极的心理契约是良好绩效的最佳保证。
The ability to ensure this well-being and secure the related performance – in myself as well as in other learners – and eventually co-workers – is one of the key developmental points that I will take from the module as a whole. . As Murphy and Riggio indicate, ‘…complexity provides the resources (cognitive, social, behavioural) for generating numerous possible responses to a given situation. Individuals as well as organizations are healthy and thrive when they are capable of many responses to a given situation, and become brittle and vulnerable to changing conditions when they are uniform and specialized.’ (12). I prefer to think of this as understanding the personal, interpersonal, and strategic implications of the psychological contract. As Williams indicates regarding this phenomenon, ‘this interpersonal aspect to fairness reminds us that there is a social basis to the exchange relationship between employer and employee and we might expect this to be part of the psychological contract.’ (13) One of the key objectives that I will take away from the module is the ability to understand – through use of a reflective cycle – the development of psychological contracts between individuals, within groups, across stakeholders, and between employees and management. I recognise that this, in itself, is an objective which relies heavily on the capacity to use one’s own emotional intelligence, and that this in itself is an on-going task. As Goleman has observed, , ‘…unlike the familiar tests for IQ, there is, as yet, no single paper and pencil test that yields an emotional intelligence score, and there may never be one. ‘ (14) In fact it could be argued that those with emotional intelligence as a dominant aspect of their skills set, tend to eschew formal learning situations altogether, relying on their reading of situations and interpersonal skills rather than credentialism to get where they want to be. The important point for me here is to recognize that these skills are increasingly important in the socialized workforce, and central to achievement of common goals. As Guest and Conway have indicated, ‘…built on the three pillars of fairness, trust and delivery of the deal between organizations and employees, a positive psychological contract is the best guarantee of good performance outcomes.