
2017-01-27 10:42

营销经理使用的营销组合的术语来表示在一个给定的市场组织的产品(Kinner,et al.,2006)。然而,尽管在世界不同地区的市场营销组合决策,营销经理面临的困境,是否提供在世界各地的营销标准化的组合,或调整营销组合根据口味和喜好和市场条件下,企业经营(题名其余,2007)。在该公司提供在世界各地相同的营销组合被称为全球标准化或简单的全球营销方式,前一种方法,而后来的方法,调整营销组合根据独特的市场条件是适应市场或当地的营销方式(lascu,2002)。而这样的选择,是否使用全球标准化方法和定位方法,营销经理看不同的因素在决定组织是否可以使用标准化战略或定位方法(凯特奥拉& Graham,2006)。虽然这些因素对该决定是根据列表可以很长,它通常包括产品的特点,使产品满足需要和欲望,产品的文化敏感性,更大的竞争优势,该公司正试图完成,定价策略的组织所追求的,竞争的企业组织,可以在市场的分布格局等


Marketing manager uses the term marketing mix to denote the organization's offerings in a given market (Kinner, et al., 2006). However, while making the decision with respect to the marketing mix in different parts of the world, the marketing manager is confronted with the dilemma that whether to offer a standardized marketing mix in various parts of the world, or to adapt the marketing mix according to the taste and preferences and market conditions where the firm operates (CzinKota, 2007). The former approach where the firm offer the same marketing mix in various parts of the world are known as global standardization or simply a global marketing approach, while the later approach, tailoring the marketing mix according to the unique market conditions is known as market adaptation or local marketing approach (Lascu, 2002). While making the choice, whether to use to global standardization approach or the localization approach marketing manager look at different factors that in turn dictate whether the organization could use the standardization strategy or the localization approach (Cateora & Graham, 2006). Although the list of such factor on which the decision is based could be very long, it most often include the characteristics of the product, the need and wants that the product satisfy, the cultural sensitivity of the product, the broader competitive advantage that the firm is trying to accomplish, the pricing strategy pursued by the organization, the competition confronted the business organization, the distribution setup available in the market etc (Leonidou, et al., 2002)