
2017-05-08 00:38

阿拉楚阿县学区排名六十五的地区为超过二零八名学生三十九。目前,该地区有两所学校获得“F”级学校。“F”的等级意味着学校两年内没有达到最低限度的阅读和数学进步。目前,该地区是符合学校的选择选项,并提供了许多特许和磁铁学校计划。在今年佛罗里达州的2889所学校中,近四分之三(2125)被认为是高绩效(接受“A”或“B”等级)的三。此外,学校被认为是低性能的数量相比,去年显着下降。佛罗里达州的四零五所学校获得了“F”(百分之2),与去年相比减少了38所学校。前佛罗里达州州州长Jeb Bush签署了全国第一个全州券计划的法律在1999年6月21日。布什/ Brogan +程序给出了一个A-F等级在佛罗里达州的每一所公立学校,与凭证提供给学校,在两年内四收到一个F级的学生。有了这些凭证,父母可以把孩子从失败的学校拉出来,送到另一所公立学校或私立或宗教学校去。在此之前立法经济弱势家庭被困在低绩效的学校。特许学校是一所混合的半公立学校,一半是私立学校。私立学校也提供了更多的加速,大学为重点的课程,并更热衷于磨练他们的学生上大学。公立学校常常有这样的理念:每个学生都不一样,大学不适合每个人,而且学生并不是被推到那个方向上的,尽管他们可以自己选择奋斗。尽管私立学校的学费相当昂贵,但越来越多的法案转向学校的教育券,家庭可以将所得税收入用于公立学校教育,并用于私立学校学费。特许学校试图将完整的儿童品格教育和传统的不可剥夺的公共教育自由的理念结合起来。
The Alachua County School District is ranked thirty-nine of sixty-five districts serving more than twenty eight thousand students. Currently, there are two schools in the district that received an 'F' school grade. The grade of 'F' means that the school has not met adequate progress of lowest students in reading and mathematics within two years. Currently, the district is compliant with the school choice option and offers many charter and magnet school programs. Of the 2,889 Florida schools graded this year, nearly three quarters (2,125) are considered to be high performing (receiving either an "A" or "B" grade). Additionally, the number of schools considered to be low performing decreased significantly compared to last year. Forty-five Florida schools earned an "F" (2 percent), a decrease of 38 schools compared to last year. Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush signed the nation's first statewide voucher program into law on June 21, 1999. The Bush/Brogan A+ Program gives every public school in Florida an A-F grade, with vouchers made available to students in schools that receive an F grade in any two years out of four. With the vouchers, parents may pull their children out of the failing schools and send them to another public school or to a private or religious school. Before this legislation economically disadvantaged families were stuck in low performing schools. Charter schools are a hybrid - half public school, half private school. Private schools also offer more accelerated, college focused courses and are more intent on honing their students to go to college. Public schools often have the philosophy that each student is different and college is not for everyone, and students are not pushed in that direction, though they may choose to strive for it on their own. Though private schools can be quite costly, there is more and more legislation moving towards school vouchers where families could take the tax dollars that would be directed toward a public school education and use it for private school tuition. Charter schools attempt to merge the idea of whole child character education and the traditional idea of an inalienable right to free public education.