
2018-07-29 15:33

Challenging behaviors are not typical or special education status. These behaviors are of intense and causes a frequency and the length of the safety of an individual and others is likely to be placed in serious limits or holdup connection to, and use of normal discomforts. Challenging behaviors can take different forms, some can be less intense while some can be more vivid. (Marion, 2015). The behaviors test the right of adults and children to a safe and in orderly classroom. It can happen a lot and is persistent and it is more than a normal limit of what the classroom will allow. They do not react to the normal limits of prevention and it bears on the adults of the misbehavior. Aggressive behaviors are characterized as obvious or hidden hostility they are also disobedient, bitter, quarrel a lot, destructive, and they do bodily and verbally aggressive. (Marion, 2015). This child is sometimes hyperactive and don't pay attention. Aggressive children regress to biting and bullying as a manner of self-defense. Challenging and aggressive behavior, whether it is for adults or children can occur from different contributing aspects such as social-economics, difficulties, behavior disorders, seeking attention, difficulties in communication, family problems, trauma, and physical and emotional abuse. We adults sometimes label these behaviors by spanking and yelling at the children that are aggressive of challenging. We may criticize, humiliate, embarrass them while in front of others. This can intensify the child's behaviors and when they become adults. Children will follow the adults' example by respecting their behavior. This is like when the adult is name calling or using racial slurs, cussing, and putting people down.  Be careful because little eyes are observing you and they are absorbing your example.