
2018-10-23 19:14

虽然精神上的转变可以被看作是下一个主题,NDE的可以有相似的特征,但明显的区别是,大多数精神上的转变不一定是基于生命结束的创伤。人们对濒死体验或濒死体验进行了相当深入的研究,发现在体验“濒死体验”或濒死体验的人的生活中会发生各种各样的变化。从对死亡的恐惧,到变得更有爱心和同情心,再到精神上的改变,这些都有不同的影响。在Penny Sartori博士的书(2014)《濒死体验的智慧》中。在经历了一次改变人生的危机后,这种转变效应在访谈和文档中得到了解释。在萨尔托里研究的一个案例中,她采访了一位名叫玛丽-克莱尔的女士,她在濒死体验前得了脑膜炎,住进了医院,在那里住了一个月。随着她病情的恶化,比如对强光变得敏感,她的头部承受着巨大的压力。她感到自己以难以置信的速度从一条黑暗的隧道里掉了下去,她到达了一个金色的地方,在那里她的家人朋友她以前的病人从她的护理,甚至她的家庭宠物在那里等着她。一个声音出现在我的脑海里,问我是想和他们呆在一起,还是回到我原来的地方。玛丽-克莱尔回答说,当她被一根银色的绳子拉回来时,她不得不回去。
Although spiritual transformation can be seen like the next subject matter that of NDE’s can have similar characteristics but obviously the difference being that majority of spiritual transformations are not necessarily based on life ending traumas.It has been researched in quite some depth that there are various transformations that can take place in the lives of those who experience a ‘Near Death Experience’ or NDE. The various effects of these range from a lack of fear of death, to becoming more loving and compassionate and the change of spirituality. In Dr Penny Sartori’s book (2014) “The Wisdom of Near-Death Experiences.” This transformation effect after experiencing a life changing crisis is explained in the interviews and documentation.In one case that Dr Sartori researched she interviewed a lady called Marie-Claire who had developed meningitis prior to her NDE and was admitted to hospital where she stayed for a month. As her condition worsened i.e. becoming sensitive to bright lights and that her head was under intense pressure. She felt herself falling through a dark tunnel at incredible speeds she reached a place of golden light where her family friends her former patients from her time nursing and even her family pets where waiting for her. “A voice, which came into my head, asked me if I wanted to remain with them or return back to where I’d come from.” Marie-Claire replied that she had to return upon when she was pulled back by what she described as a silver cord.