
2017-01-02 23:46

而面对决策困境经理通常遵循一系列的序列称为决策过程,从识别决策者希望解决的问题,紧随其后的是识别的决策标准,分配权重的标准意义的基础上,替代能源的发展,分析选择和选择和实施方案,应该最大化的回报组织和有助于更好的完成组织的长期目标。决定后实施后续评估决策者的决策有效性进行评估的有效性决定为了避免错误如果将来发生同样情况(阿尔德,2004)。理性和有限理性模型都假设相同的步骤,但是不同步骤的大小是不同的(Alvesson &威尔默特,2003)。理性管理学院或古典理论家假定决策者的行为是完全理性的,什么他或她实现是最好的选择,会放大公司的回报。然而,这种观点已经受到有限理性思想学院的决策者认为,本质上是谁的人,而不是使用完美的合理性,主要使用有限理性的而不是“satisfice”(杰克逊&卡特,2007)。在大多数情况下,他们倾向于接受解决方案比他们认为可能导致令人满意的解决公司的问题。理性的不同步骤,学校认为组织内管理者准确的信息准确地定义问题,并确定所有不同的决策标准和权重分配准确。决策者因此在适当的位置来识别所有可能的选择,他或她总是在适当的位置进行准确的分析和替代的选择,本质上最大化公司的回报的实现决定后(罗宾斯和库尔特,2008)。东北大学代写Assignment 决策困境

东北大学代写Assignment 决策困境

While confronted with decision making dilemma a manager usually follow a series of sequence termed as decision making process that starts from the identification of the problems that the decision makers wishes to resolve, followed by the identification of decision criteria, allocation of weights to the criteria on the basis of significance, the development of alternatives, analysis of alternatives and selection and implementation of alternatives that are supposed to maximize the payoff of the organization and helps in better accomplishment of the organization's long-term goals. After the decision is implemented a subsequent evaluation of decision effectiveness is carried out where the decision maker evaluates the effectiveness of the decision in order to avoid mistakes if same situations arise in the future (Alder, 2004).
The rationality and the bounded rationality model both assume the same steps; however the magnitude of different steps is different (Alvesson & Willmott, 2003). The rationality school or the classical management theorists assumes that the decision maker behavior is perfectly rational and what he or she implements is the best choice that magnifies the firm's return. However, such a view has been challenged by the bounded rationality school of thoughts who believe that essentially decision makers are human being who instead of using the perfect rationality, mostly use the bounded rationality where they instead "satisfice" (Jackson & Carter, 2007). In most of the situations, they tend to accept solution than what they think could result in satisfactory solution to the firms' problem. In terms of different steps, the rationality school believes that a manager within an organization has accurate information to accurately define the problem, and identify all the different decision criteria and the assign accurate weights. The decision maker is thus in position to identify all the possible alternatives and he or she is always in position to carry out accurate analysis and the selection of alternative is made that essentially maximize the firm's return after the implementation of the decision (Robbins & Coulter, 2008).