
2017-05-10 07:09

语言规划的政治并没有随着德国人的离开而消失。第一次世界大战结束后,英国占领开始了。(kiango 2005,SA 2007)。英国保留斯瓦希里作为教育在小学中引入中学英语(kiango 2005,SA 2007)。殖民政府进行了英语和斯瓦希里语被利用在地方法院(kiango 2005)。有一个明确的、具体的计划由英国殖民地政府的坦桑尼亚人准备的一小部分。一一零年发展计划的制定,旨在在小学是在斯瓦希里语授课100%招生,但只有4%的中学英语教学。(南非2007)。今天同样的情况仍然存在,坦桑尼亚的中学入学率低于所有的地理邻居(SA 2007)。政治影响决定了他们需要为他们的殖民政府似乎很少考虑什么是最好的坦桑尼亚人教育需求和国家长期发展的英国。政策似乎也非常类似于以前的殖民大国的态度大大制约了一些坦桑尼亚人学习英语并因此感到一个殖民统治者的同等水平。在潮汐的反殖民情绪浪潮开始席卷欧洲大陆的1954个政党争取独立的形成坦桑尼亚的土著人口,坦噶尼喀非洲民族联盟(TANU)(kiango 2005)。该用斯瓦希里语大量使用在独立运动的团结和融合各民族为坦桑尼亚绝大多数使用的通用弗兰卡是全国的理解(公司2000,kiango 2005,rubagumya 1990,SA 2007)。在独立运动的过程中有很少需要译员在各种活动(rubagumya 1990)。这是不同于其他非洲国家,各民族语言中存在但没有一个民族的语言是本,理解普遍没有土著语言弗兰卡可以用(kiango 2005)。在独立运动在坦桑尼亚斯瓦希里本身成为非洲统一的一个重要标志,是独立运动的一个强大的政治工具。似乎一个国家有一种统一的语言,这是非常多的非洲真的可以真正打破殖民关系。坦桑尼亚的梦想诞生了。
The politics of language planning didn't vanish with the departure of the Germans. British occupation commenced after the end of the First World War. (Kiango 2005, Sa 2007). The British retained Swahili as the medium of education in primary schools and introduced English in secondary schools (Kiango 2005, Sa 2007). Colonial administration was undertaken in English with Swahili being utilized in local courts (Kiango 2005). There was a definite and specific plan by the British to prepare a small minority of Tanzanians for colonial administration. A ten year development plan was formulated that aimed to have a 100% enrolment in primary schools where Swahili was the medium of instruction, but only 4% in secondary schools where English was the medium of instruction. (Sa 2007). The same situation persists today with Tanzania having lower rates for secondary enrolment than all of its geographic neighbours (Sa 2007). A political influenced decision that gave the British what they needed for their colonial administration with seemingly little regard to what was best for the educational needs of Tanzanians and the long-term development of the country. The policy seemed also to strikingly resemble the attitude of the previous colonial power by greatly restricting the number of Tanzanians who would learn English and therefore feel on a somewhat equal level with their colonial masters.In a tidal wave of anti-colonial sentiment that was beginning to sweep through the continent the indigenous population of Tanzania formed in 1954 a political party to fight for independence, the Tanganyika African National Union (TANU) (Kiango 2005). TANU made great use of Swahili in the independence movement to unite and amalgamate the various ethnic groups as the vast majority of Tanzanians used the lingua franca and it was understood throughout the country (Antea 2000, Kiango 2005, Rubagumya 1990, Sa 2007). In the process of the independence movement there was seldom a need for interpreters during the various campaigns (Rubagumya 1990). This was unlike in other African countries where various ethnic languages existed but no one ethnic language was present that was understood universally and no indigenous lingua franca that could be used (Kiango 2005). In the independence movement in Tanzania Swahili itself emerged as a very important symbol of African unity and was a powerful political tool for the independence movement. It seemed one country with one unifying language that was very much African could really make a true break from colonial ties. A Tanzanian dream was born.