
2019-12-17 20:43

药理学干预的规定建议,对慢性阻塞性肺病早期的治疗应该从吸入器和/或喷雾器开始,如果这些是无效的常规药物,如类固醇将被开处方。尽管如此,最常用的处方是吸入器,被认为是COPD治疗中最基本的(Matteo和Usmani, 2015)。然而,GOLD(2017)和NICE(2018)建议,COPD的药理学治疗应辅以非药理学干预,如戒烟、锻炼、PR和CBT,以有效治疗和控制症状。此外,长期氧疗法(LTOT)和非侵入式通风(NIV)通常规定对那些严重的慢性阻塞性肺病(Ankjærgaard, 2016;(Alifano et al, 2010),北美代写用于改善休息时的预期寿命和低氧血症(Ekstrom et al, 2016)。然而,研究表明,在家里使用LTOT可能对病人和他们的家人有危险;被设备绊倒,被吸烟引起的火灾或烧伤(Albert et al, 2016)。此外,Cochrane综述发现LTOT对呼吸困难有不确定的影响,不能提高生活质量(Ekstrom et al, 2016)。因此,NICE(2018)建议,在提供LTOT之前应该进行风险评估,因为LTOT给他们和他们的生活伙伴带来的风险大于潜在的好处。爱丽丝还没有需要LTOT,但是它很可能是需要的,而且会对她的生活产生更负面的影响,特别是因为爱丽丝现在仍然吸烟。
Regulations in pharmacological interventions suggest, treatment for early stages of COPD should begin with inhalers and/or nebulizers, if these are ineffective regular medications such as steroids will be prescribed. Nonetheless, the most frequently prescribed are inhalers and are considered the most essential of COPD management (Matteo and Usmani, 2015). However, GOLD (2017) and NICE (2018) recommends the pharmacological treatment of COPD should be complemented by non-pharmacological interventions such as smoking cessation, exercise, PR, and CBT for treatment and managing symptoms to be effective.Additionally, long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) and non-invasive ventilation (NIV) are routinely prescribed for those with severe COPD (Ankjærgaard, 2016; Alifano et al, 2010) and is given to improve life expectancy and hypoxaemia at rest (Ekstrom et al, 2016). However, research suggests, the use of LTOT at home can be dangerous for the patient and their family, for instance; tripping over equipment and fires or burns from cigarette smoking (Albert et al, 2016). Furthermore, a Cochrane review found LTOT had uncertain effects on dyspnoea and did not improve quality of life (Ekstrom et al, 2016). Therefore, NICE (2018) recommends, risk assessments should be conducted prior to offering LTOT as the risks to them and the people they live with outweigh the potential benefits. Alice did not yet require LTOT, however it is likely to be needed and will have a more negative impact on her life, especially since Alice currently still smokes.