
2017-03-17 01:33

然而,我们也应注意到,天然有机品质在他除了他的艺术眼光和后续执行–不妥协的性质–普遍的工作是不可能的但非常有利的政治、文化和经济条件,存在于巴塞罗那和加泰罗尼亚一般的时候。从赞助,高迪是一个非常幸运的艺术家将一批富裕的顾客定位需要在19世纪后期追求他最早的作品所需的资金,然后将毫无疑问在Eusebi Guell的幌子,他一生中最重要的赞助人。因此,虽然我们已经注意到,在高迪的崛起,在世界范围内的建筑突出巴塞罗那的部分发挥的重要性,我们也应该观察并注意到光顾的重要性,任何艺术家的工作在这个时候。Derek Avert(2004)指出:“剥夺了高迪过去的事。金融安全带来的信心使我们能够表达我们最深的信念,高迪在这方面没有什么不同。” 没有经济自由的他的早期各种委员会和赞助由Eusebi Guell和他的家人提供担保引发了艺术的解放,设计师将不会被允许把他所有的最后一年对他最著名的工作的完成,巴塞罗那–工作,仍然是不完整的这一天,洛杉矶圣家赎罪堂教堂。圣家赎罪堂的教堂强调更加突出的方式比任何其他的高迪的作品在一定程度上,这种信心从金融安全孕育弥漫的加泰罗尼亚建筑师设计的每一个方面。事实上,对他的职业生涯结束的时候,洛杉矶圣家赎罪堂竣工是在他的思想上,高迪的信心在自己的能力和他的赞助人允许他竟然做了设计本身只允许建设发展而不是让预定计划扼杀风格形成自然生产的想法。


However, we should likewise note that the innate organic qualities prevalent in his work – in addition to the uncompromising nature of his artistic vision and subsequent execution – would not have been possible but for the highly favourable political, cultural and economic conditions which existed in Barcelona and Catalonia in general at the time. In terms of patronage, Gaudi was an extremely fortunate artist securing a number of wealthy patrons to locate the necessary funds required to pursue his earliest pieces of work in the late 1800s and then securing without doubt the most important patronage of his life in the guise of Eusebi Guell. Thus, while we have already taken note of the significance of the part played by the city of Barcelona within Gaudi’s rise to worldwide architectural prominence we should also observe and pay heed of the paramount importance of patronage to any artist’s work at this time. As Derek Avert (2004:12) puts it: “deprivation was a thing of the past for Gaudi. The confidence that financial security brings enables us to express our deepest beliefs and Gaudi was no different in this respect.”
Without the artistic emancipation triggered by the economic freedom afforded by his various early commissions and the patronage secured by Eusebi Guell and his family, the architect would not have been allowed to dedicate all of his final years towards the completion of his most celebrated work, La Sagrada Familia church in Barcelona – a work that remains incomplete to this day. The church of the Sagrada Familia highlights in a more prominent way than any other piece of Gaudi’s work the extent to which this confidence bred from financial security pervaded every facet of the Catalan architect’s design. Indeed, towards the end of his career when the completion of La Sagrada Familia was uppermost in his thinking, Gaudi’s confidence in both his own ability and in his patrons allowed him to go so far as to do away with the very idea of design itself preferring to permit the building to evolve rather than to allow a pre-determined plan to stifle the natural production of style and form.
