
2017-06-13 15:37

This project seeks to work with 240 school communities in Northern Uganda to boost meaningful entrée to primary education for marginalized children through the development and help of mother tongue education. This will hold up the government to apply its adopted mother tongue policy. It is as long as a workable model, incorporating training, resource growth and support which it can then implement and upscale in other areas. This overall plan will contribute to the realization of the Millennium Development Goal of Universal Primary Education and gender par in six clash flat districts of Northern Uganda. Better education will ease poverty through its contribution to the accumulation of human capital, which is necessary for more incomes and continuous economic growth. Project activities duplicate the following strategies as like training teachers, broadening the literate environment from side to side provision of local language materials, boosting parental and family participation in girls' schooling, intensification local government ability to properly provide a quality education for marginalized children.It will be shared easily in print with a large group of people through communication in original languages. This will allow non-literate poor people, especially women and girls, to boost alertness about the right to educational access and use available print information in mother tongue on their own.