
2017-07-26 13:48

我希望这项研究能更好地了解这些元素如何整合,并能被提炼和适应以适应不同的环境。我回顾的大部分文献都显示,需要集中在高中,以吸引学者进入实习岗位。通过学术阅读和经验,我意识到实习的概念在美国已经持续了很多年。然而,随着大学和高等教育的推进,培训个人进入劳动力市场的重点已经转移到多年来的正规学校教育。尽管正规学校教育的兴起,为了满足21世纪劳动力市场的需要,教育政策的改变,旨在满足21世纪劳动力市场的需求,但这并没有显示出劳动力市场候选人之间的长期竞争力是如何得到充分解决的。从雇主们所表达的担忧中可以明显看出,从高中毕业的美国学者中,有很大一部分进入了劳动力市场,他们不懂相关的能力——学术、技术或职业——以获得成功(Stone & Lewis,2012)。随着利益相关者寻求解决能力差距问题,实习项目重新成为可能的职业道路,尽管他们过去有争议的实现,结果却有不同程度的成功或失败。美国实习制度的问题在于,项目是任意的、离散的,平均实习参与者年龄在27岁左右。此外,许多年轻人偶然进入实习岗位,最终发现这些实习机会通过获得行业相关的能力提供了稳定而稳定的职业。这个话题相当大,因为在我所居住的社区里,许多孩子都被抛在后面,他们没有追求传统的学术路线。我也相信,这样的计划,当经过深思熟虑和协调一致的时候,可能会提供一种可能的出路,以及一种提高人们生活的方式。在个人层面上,我享受学术的刺激,参与和分享我的想法和研究,这能影响社会。我的信念是,当有了合适的资源和既得利益者的支持,实习可以给我们的年轻人一种使命感和意义。他们还为那些追求他们的利益相关者提供了一些专业和个人的利益,比如那些赞助和雇佣这些实习的组织。
I hope that this research will shed better understanding of how such elements integrate and can be refined and adapted to meet different contexts. Most of the literature I reviewed showed a need to focus on high schools to attract scholars into internships. I realized through scholarly readings and experiences that the concept of internship had been an ongoing initiative in the United States for many years. However, with the push for college and higher education, the focus of training individuals to enter the labor market had shifted to formal schooling over the years. Despite the rise in formal schooling, changes in educational policies aimed towards a better educated workforce to meet the needs of the 21st century labor market do not show how the perpetual competences' gap among labor market candidates can be fully addressed. This is evident from the concerns expressed by employers that a large proportion of American scholars graduating from high school enter the labor market with no knowledge of relevant competences-scholastic, technical or career-related-to succeed (Stone & Lewis, 2012). As stakeholders seek to address the problem of competences gaps, internship programs have re-emerged as a possible career pathway, despite their controversial implementations in the past which had resulted in varying degrees of success or failure. The problem with the internship system in the United States is that programs are arbitrary and discrete, with the averaging internship participant age about 27 years when they enter the programs. Also, many young adults stumble into internships to last resort, only to find out that those internships offered a stable and consistent career through the acquisition of industry-relevant competences. This topic is considerable because in the communities where I have lived, many kids were left behind when they failed to pursue the traditional scholastic route. I also believe such programs, when well thought out and coordinated, may offer a possible way out and a means to advancement in people's lives. On a personal level, I enjoy the scholastic stimulation of engaging and sharing my ideas and research which can impact society. It is my belief that when supported with the right resources and vested stakeholders, internships can offer our young people a sense of purpose and meaning. They also provide several professional and personal benefits to those stakeholders who pursue them such as the organizations that sponsor and hire these Internships.