
2017-12-08 09:01

由于它的大部分机队在白天都是闲置或未使用的,因此它能够创造一支销售力量将他们推销给公司。大约25%的收入来自于“Z2B”提供的服务。换句话说,它能够利用其资源创造可持续的收入。服务创新——正如所提到的,Zipcar是一家年轻的公司,它为美国几个城市的城市居民提供了一种替代汽车的所有权,它的任务是为会员提供可负担得起的24 / 7的私人交通工具,用于短期的往返旅行。通过无线技术和互联网,像Avis、Hertz和National等主要竞争对手都选择忽视的是,它能够在一个拥挤而成熟的市场上建立起如此独特的竞争优势,并取得成功。它是最早利用无线技术的几个组织之一。围绕这项技术的独特的能力意味着公司必须创造几个新的技术过程。通过对RFID的投资,它能够简化汽车租赁过程,并实时跟踪汽车的位置,这有助于提高车队的产量管理,降低双订和幻影车辆的风险。
Since majority of its fleet were idle or unused in the day, it was able to create a sales force to market them to corporation. As such about 25% of its revenue comes from “Z2B” offering. In other words, it was able to utilise its resources to generate sustainable revenue.Service innovation - As mentioned, Zipcar is a young company that has created an alternative to automobile ownership for urban dwellers in several cities across the U.S. Its mission is to offer members affordable 24/7 accesses to private vehicles for short-term round trips. It has been able to build such distinct competitive advantage and succeed in a crowded and established market like the rental car business through wireless technology and the Internet that major competitors like Avis, Hertz, and National have chosen to ignore.It was one the very first few organisations to utilise wireless technology to its advantage. The distinctive competence it developed around this technology meant the company had to create several new technological processes. By investing in RFID, it was able to streamline car rental process and tracks the location of the cars in real-time that helped to improve fleet yield management and mitigate the risk of double-booking and phantom vehicles.