
2018-03-13 14:36

Growing up, and still to this day, I am fascinated by history. I have visited numerous museums, forts, battlefields, and other historical sites. I find seeing the artifacts and the places where historical events actually took place very fascinating. My learner talent ties in nicely with these excursions and further explains my frequent urges to learn about somewhat random topics to satisfy my curiosity. Deliberative and analytical talents-along with context and learner-show themselves when I am faced with tough decisions such as purchasing a used car. My achiever talent, I have read, is the drive that keeps me going, both at work and in school.Though these talents all appear to be positive, and they are, they can present drawbacks. Several times growing up I found that curiosity born form my learner talent was an enabler of procrastination and a distraction from completing important research or homework on time. My deliberative and analytical talents make it difficult for me to make decisions sometimes, deciding on a major to pursue in college is a prime example. Finally, my achiever talent drives accomplishment, and it is great when I accomplish things. However, when I am less productive, or when efforts take longer than expected, this talent can cause me to feel down on myself.