
2017-02-26 00:36

在变化的情况下,多源性房性心动过速,艾伦的计划改变失败,然而,它不能被视为一件坏事。总理John Key说,无论人们如何定义这一变化,它失败了,领导人可以吸取一些教训。艾伦本人指出,“这个过程非常顺利”,他对变化持非常乐观的态度。艾伦作为这个领域的新手,应该从他的前辈那里得到一些建议。而在整个变革过程中,他并没有付出太多精力去应对阻力,而是坚持自己的想法,与他的团队合作。他的变化在多源性房性心动过速非常激烈,他应该采取更温和的方式来处理事情,是人们最关注的问题。在不断变化的过程中,授权他人采取的行动是由领导者的愿景是必要的。艾伦和他的团队要做的另一件重要的事情就是计划和创造短期胜利。没有做这些,改变是混乱的结束本文结合外交部和贸易部的案例分析,研究领导变革的文献。它主要阐述变化的必然趋势,其原因电阻在变化的过程中,如何处理它,和艾伦更好的管理提出了一些建议性。通过案例研究,人们可以看到变革中阻力的作用,在领导实施变革时应特别注意。


In the case of change at the MFAT, Allen’s plans of change failed, however, it could not be considered as a bad thing. Prime Minister John Key said no matter how people defined this change, it failed and leaders could learn some lessons for it. Allen himself pointed out that “the process has gone very well” and he took a very optimistic attitude towards the change. Allen as a newcomer in this field he should take some advice from his predecessors. And in the whole process of change, he did not devote much energy to dealing with the resistance, instead his just stuck to his ideas and worked with his group. His change in MFAT was too fierce and he should take a more moderate way to deal with the things which people concerned most. In changing process, empowering others to act on the vision that is given by leader was necessary. Other crucial thing for Allen and his group to do was to plan for and create short-term wins. Without doing these, the change was turmoil in the end This paper links the analysis of the case of change at the ministry of foreign affairs and trade to research literature of leading change. It mainly demonstrates evitable trend of change, the reasons of resistance in the process of change and how to deal with it, and some suggestions of better managing resistance for Allen has been presented. Through the case study, people can seen the role of resistance in change, and special attention should be paid when leader implement change.