
2017-12-28 10:19

所有的产品和服务都有价格,就像它们有价值一样。根据阿姆斯特朗和科特勒的说法,“价格只是为产品或服务收取的费用”。在更广泛的背景下,价格被认为是消费者为了获得或使用产品或服务而交换的所有价值的总和。价格也是营销组合中最灵活的要素之一,因为定价决策可以相对较快地实现,这是公司用来实现营销目标的工具,也是营销组合中唯一能产生收入的元素。(Armstrong和Kotler,2006)价格是营销组合中最重要的要素之一,因为它是公司收到的产品或服务的单位来源。此外,价格是营销组合中唯一创造收益或产生利润的方面。价格也可以被定义为消费者从购买产品或服务中获得的感知价值,或者是消费者为拥有或使用产品或服务的利益所交换的价值之和(Kotler和Keller 2006)。此外,价格是一个重要的产品定位的事实,或定义产品市场,竞争和设计。预期的价格决定了可以提供哪些产品特性以及生产成本。
All products and services have a price, just as they have a value. According to Armstrong and Kotler, “Price is simply the amount of money charged for a product or service”. In a broader context, price is said to be the sum of all the values that consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service. Price is also one of the most flexible elements of the marketing mix in the sense that pricing decisions can be implemented relatively quickly, a tool used by companies to achieve their marketing objectives as well as the only element in the marketing mix that produces revenue. (Armstrong and Kotler, 2006) Price is one of the most significant essentials of the marketing mix because it is a unit source of what the company receives for the product or service that is being sold. Furthermore, Price is the only aspect of marketing mix that creates returns or produces profits. Price can also be defined as the perceived value derived by consumers of a product or service from the purchase of it or the sum of the value that consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service (Kotler and Keller 2006). Furthermore, price is a crucial product-positioning fact or that defines the products market, competition and design. The intended price determines what product features can be offered and what production cost can be incurred.