
2019-02-02 15:04

伯恩斯·格林利夫和凯根的研究为密尔斯提供了关于领导理论转变的进一步信息。伯恩斯在他开创性的著作《领导力》中提出了这样一个观点:领导力实际上有两种形式:交易型和变革型。伯恩斯的工作鼓励其他人开始认为领导力不同于管理,领导力更注重与追随者的关系,尤其是影响他人以实现共同目标。在他的研究中,密尔斯并没有对服务型领导和变革型领导进行深入的分析,而是把重点放在了这些领导形式的表达和普及对领导力培训和发展领域的影响上。为了得到这个信息,他查阅了格林利夫的研究。柯根的道德发展理论主要通过介绍柯根的发展思想,影响了世界领导力的培养和发展。密尔斯对这三位理论家的著作进行了全面的选择。密尔斯的纵向报告以彼得·圣吉的当代作品结束,他密切关注作为一个学习型组织的组织。密尔斯很好地从他关于组织发展的章节过渡到领导者和管理者的实际经验,以及如何强调从工作经验中学习,特别是如何利用这些经验为晋升到更高层次的管理或领导做准备。密尔斯再次引用了Senge(1990)和Kegan(1982)的著作,并着重于Robert E. Quinn的研究,他探索了个人变革在领导组织变革中的重要性。
The studies conducted by Burns Greenleaf and Kegan  provided Meers with further information regarding the transformation of leadership theory. In his seminal work, Leadership, Burns (1978) proposed the idea that there were really two forms of leadership: transactional and transforming (or transformational). Burns’ work then encouraged others to begin to think of leadership as different from management, with leadership being much more focused on relationships with followers and particularly on influencing others to achieve common goals. For the purposes his study, Meers did not conduct a thorough analysis of servant leadership and transformational leadership, but instead focused on the impact the articulation and popularization of these forms of leadership have had upon the field of leadership training and development. He looked to the research of Greenleaf for this information. Kegan’s theory of moral development impacted the world of leadership training and development, mainly by introducing his idea of development. Meers was thorough in his choice to include the work of these three theorists. Meers’ longitudinal report ends with the contemporary work of Peter Senge who focused closely on the organization as a learning organization.Meers makes a nice transition from his section on the development of the organization to the actual experiences of leaders and managers and how emphasis has been placed upon learning from work experiences, specifically upon using these experiences as preparation for advancement to higher levels of management or leadership. Again, Meers cited the works of Senge (1990) and Kegan (1982), and also focused on the work of Robert E. Quinn who explored the importance of personal change in leading organizational change.