
2019-06-20 00:39

今天的趋势是关于绿色环境的。阿诺特的重点是有效收集和回收包装。包装是所有生产现场的过程废物回收系统。阿诺特现有的许多包装材料已经含有回收材料。在2010年,58%的阿诺特包装至少有95%的回收材料。环保署已在每个工地成立“环保队”,协助改善废物管理。阿诺特还鼓励公司直接购买纸箱作为包装,而不是再次回收。此外,本署亦培训员工如何使用彩色编码的废物制造流程。遵循道德价值原则,阿诺特在整个供应链中共同承担责任。它将审查每一个包装元素,并向消费者提供正确的概念,围绕包装的回收和处置问题。阿诺特继续这项计划,以鼓励反乱丢垃圾的行为。It公司在员工工作场所也有“禁止使用塑料袋”的规定。公司为每位员工提供一个免费的多功能包。这是用来提醒员工在购物时考虑环境。阿诺特公司拥有可持续发展的资源,并且可以减少识别碳足迹倡议的责任。Campbell 's Arnott 's的核心商业战略是“对可持续发展和企业社会责任做出强有力的承诺”。因此,它总是信守诺言。坎贝尔·阿诺特只向12岁以下的儿童做食品和饮料的广告,前提是这些产品代表健康的饮食选择。他们的广告信息是在一个健康的生活方式的背景下,旨在鼓励目标受众。由于健康的生活方式在今天变得很普遍,广告信息对于影响孩子和教育他们的父母很重要。有效的广告信息能够影响品牌定位和消费者心中的品牌忠诚度。
The trend today is all about green environment. Arnott’s focuses on efficiently collect and recycle packaging. Packaging is a process waste recovery system at all manufacturing sites. Many of Arnott’s existing packaging materials already contain recycled material. In2010, 58% of all Arnott’s packaging had a minimum of 95% recycle materials. It has built up “Green teams” at each site to help improvement of waste management. Arnott’s also encourages with companies who buy cardboard cases directly as packaging rather than recycling again. It also training staff on the colour coded waste stream manufacture.Follow by the moral values principles, Arnott’s shared responsibility throughout whole supply chain. It will review each packaging element and provide consumer the correct concept around the issue of recycling and disposal of packaging. Arnott’s continue this plan to encourage anti-littering behavior. It company also have a “no-plastic bag” policy at staff sites. The company gives a free multi-use bag for every employee. This is used to remind the staff to consider the environment when grocery shopping.Arnott’s has sustainability resources and the responsibility to identifying initiative of carbon footprint can be reduced. Campbell’s Arnott’s has a core business strategy which is “advance a powerful commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility.” Therefore, it always abides by its promise.Campbell Arnott’s only advertise food and beverage products to children under 12 years old if those products represent healthy dietary choices. Their advertising messages are in the context of a healthy lifestyle, designed to encourage the target audience. Since healthy lifestyles became common nowadays, advertising messages is important to influence the kids and also their parents whom educate them. Effective advertising messages are able to affect the brand positioning and brand loyalty in consumers’ mind.