Psychology Assignment 代写:完美主义

2019-12-03 00:12

Psychology Assignment 代写:完美主义
 Perfectionism is a crime against humanity. While society may view perfectionism as simply having strong goals and high standards for oneself, in reality, we only have limited understanding of how damaging perfectionism can be, and the horrors it eventually leads to. The propensity toward perfectionism has been linked to depression, anxiety, countless mental health disorders, and even suicide. An idea has been implanted in our heads, impacted by numerous sources depending on the individual’s experiences, that mistakes are failures. In actuality, mistakes are necessary for personal growth and development. Perfectionism gradually kills a human being, causing psychological disorders and allowing no room for mistakes; therefore, allowing no opportunity to become a stronger individual.Perfectionism stems from multiple places and different influences, whether it be social media, a close friend, or fast-paced society. Unfortunately, the prime source of influence is our parents. The pressure to do better begins at a young age, and our inner critic is born. Throughout the years of adolescence and continuing, our inner critic feeds off comparison, judgements, and high standards. According to Jonathan Alpert, psychotherapist and author, the messages we receive in our childhood environment correlates to the way our mind functions today. Alpert says, “Early on, a perfectionist may receive mixed messages from parents: “Good job, Johnny… but you can do better,” or “Getting a B is good, but an A is better” (Alpert). This simultaneous criticism and praise sends a mixed message to the child, creating a drive to satisfy the parent, to do better, even when the child is putting forth their best effort, which should always be the ideal standard. Rather than attempting to give their all, fear then underlies the thinking of the perfectionist. Amelia Harnish, senior writer of Health magazine