
2019-04-28 19:18

沃诺克的报告《残疾儿童和年轻人的教育》于1978年出版。该文件“为革命性地改变对特殊需要儿童教育需求的思考提供了基础”。该报告试图涵盖任何学生的学习需求,而不能满足教师在一个典型的主流课堂,并提倡包容,而不是特殊学校。沃诺克夫人在她的报告中主张,“我们应该考虑让所有儿童都参与共同的教育事业,在他们能最好地学习的地方学习”。沃诺克报告发表后不久,1981年颁布了《教育法》(Education Act of 1981),这是一项关于教育的全面立法,但对有特殊学习需求的学生产生了重大影响(Potts 1995, 398)。特殊教育的定义有了很大的扩展,需要对更多的儿童进行特殊教育评估,从而导致在今后二十年中特殊教育学生的人数稳步增加。重要的是,该法案防止任何儿童不受教育,不论其受到何种损害,并在任何可能的情况下大力支持主流化和纳入。1981年颁布的《教育法》要求对所有潜在的SEN儿童进行正式评估,这一规定在后来的立法中得到保留。“特殊教育需要声明”由教育当局编制,负责界定儿童的需要领域,并提出教育指导方针,以最佳地为儿童服务。森的声明是为了让孩子进入主流学校,如果孩子的需求能够得到满足,他或她的存在不会干扰其他孩子的学习,而融入是一种有效利用资源的方式..
The Warnock Report, The Education of Handicapped Children and Young People, was published in 1978 .  The document “provided the foundation for revolutionary change in thinking about the educational needs of children with special needs”.  The report sought to cover any student learning needs that could not be met by teachers in a typical mainstream classroom, and advocated inclusion rather than special schools.  Lady Warnock contended in her report that “we should consider the ideal of including all children in the common educational enterprise of learning, wherever they can best learn”.The Warnock Report was soon followed by the Education Act of 1981, a sweeping legislation regarding education in general, but with significant impact for students with special learning needs (Potts 1995, 398).  The definition of SEN broadened considerably, and more children were required to be evaluated for SEN, leading to steady increases in the number of special education students throughout the next two decades.  Importantly, the Act prevented any child from being denied education, regardless of impairment, and strongly supported mainstreaming and inclusion whenever possible.The 1981 Education Act requires a formal assessment of all potentially SEN children, a provision retained by subsequent legislation.  A ‘Statement of Special Educational Needs’ is produced by educational authorities, who are responsible for defining the child’s areas of need and proposing educational guidelines to best serve the child . The SEN Statements are to place children in mainstream schools if the child’s needs can be met there, his or her presence does not interfere with other children’s learning, and inclusion is an efficient use of resources