
2019-09-28 21:07

许多孩子被剥夺了学习的权利。教育对于建设一个更好的国家很重要。然而,在一些案例中,孩子们因为残疾而被禁止上学。问题出现了,需要得到解决。不平等,尤其是教育方面的不平等,是不可接受的。这篇论文是关于包容和融合政策的优缺点以及对有特殊教育需要的儿童的支持。要完全理解主题,最好定义所涉及的问题和概念。将对有关特殊儿童教育的研究和研究进行综述。在Anastasia Vlachou(2008)的文章中,她表明了教师改变他们对包容的看法的意识。据报告,一体化需要改变,造成不适,并对那些其职业、工作和社会关系加强隔离制度的人构成相当大的挑战。根据Vlachou(2008)的观点,“认为融合政策将作为对有特殊需求的学生态度的自然演变的一部分而发生,这是天真的。Vlachou(2008)的文章将与几位研究人员的研究一起在文献综述中讨论。在论文的最后,笔者将提出自己对这一课题的看法。将对不平等和问题进行总结,以支持作者在结论中提出的主张。
A large number of children are being deprived of their right to study. Education is important to be able to build a better nation. However there are some cases wherein children are being banned from going to school because of their disability. Issues are arising and they need to be answered. Inequalities, especially in education, are not acceptable. This paper is about the strengths and weaknesses of inclusion and integration policies and support for children with special educational needs.To fully understand the subject it is best to define the issues and concepts involved. A review on research and studies done on education for special children will be presented. In the article written by Anastasia Vlachou (2008) she shows awareness on teachers to change their view regarding inclusion. Integration has been reported that requires change, creates discomfort and involves a considerable challenge to those whose careers, work and social relationships reinforce a segregated system.According to Vlachou (2008), “it would be naïve to believe that integration policy will happen as part of a natural evolution in attitudes towards students with special needs.’ Vlachou (2008) article will be discussed in the literature review together with the study done by several researchers. At the end of the paper the personal view of the writer regarding the subject will be presented. The inequalities and issues will be summarized to support the writers claim in the conclusion.