
2017-06-10 00:26

许多家庭发现过渡很困难,残疾儿童父母的离异率高于平均水平。在所研究的215个家庭中,只有18%的人认为他们在孩子出生后得到了足够的信息。然而,大多数人说医疗服务很好。(戴维森和流浪者,1982年4月)一家人谈论如何在他们的医生很友好,他们没有提供任何保证,他们。大多数家庭认为,如果他们提供了一些支持inititly很多不必要的焦虑是可以避免的。Abramson,et al。1977引用(戴维森和流浪者,1982年4月)说,信息和支持系统应该immeditaly收到他们孩子残疾的消息可。给他们提供工作的机会通过他们的感受和获得足够的信息来做出明智的disissions和为他们提供什么样的期待下,家长助手程序的结构:在这个项目中得到父母的积极的信息来帮助他们来与他们的新形势。该计划邀请谁developmentaly无孩子来对他们如何成功应对这些改变生活的积极情况新父母说话的父母。这些父母被称为同辈父母。这项计划的基本理念是,因为这些同辈父母已经经历了这一过程,他们将是真诚和理解的。其次,朋辈家长参加各种发育障碍的讲座和培训。最重要的是,同辈父母已经经历了这段经历并适应了它。
Many families find the transition very difficult, there is a higher than average separation and divorce rate among parents of disabled children. Out of 215 families studied only 18% believed that they received enough information after the birth of their child. Most did however say that the medical services were good. (Davison & Dosser, April 1982) One family talked of how while their physicians were friendly they offered no reassurances to them. Most families felt that if they were provided inititly with some support a lot of unnessary anxiety could have been avoided. Abramson, et al. 1977 cited in (Davison & Dosser, April 1982) says that information and support systems should be available immeditaly after recieving the news of their childs disability. To offer them a chance to work through their feelings and get enough information to make informed disissions and to provide them with what to expect next.The structure of the parent helpers program: during this program parents get positive information to help them come to terms with their new situation. This program invites parents who have developmentaly disabiled children to come and talk to new parents on how they managed to succeed positively in dealing with theis life changing situation. these parents are given the name peer-parents. They are trained in the basic elements of counselling.This program runs from the basic idea that because these peer-parents have gone through the process they will be sincere and understanding. Secondly, peer-parents attend lectures and training on various developmental disabilities. Most importantly, peer-parents have been through this experience and have adjusted to it.