
2017-07-14 22:22

有关全球变暖和飓风的证据正在增加。温暖的气候正在加热海水,而温暖的海水则会引发飓风。2005麻省理工学院的一项研究发现,过去30年热带风暴的破坏力增加了一倍。它将这种日益加剧的凶猛与海面温度升高联系起来,表明这与全球变暖有着密切的联系。在乔治亚理工学院的研究发现,4类和5个飓风的数量已经从1970年代翻了一番(对抗全球变暖,2008)。根据John Balmes博士的加利福尼亚美国肺脏协会,高污染水平“可能导致严重的健康问题,包括对肺组织的损伤,降低肺功能,哮喘,肺气肿,对心脏和呼吸系统疾病的人支气管炎和增加住院。”暴露于烟雾可以做我们的肺部和呼吸系统的严重损害。发炎和发炎会导致呼吸急促,喉咙发炎,胸痛和咳嗽,并导致哮喘发作。(对抗全球变暖,2008)。德克萨斯代写Assignment:全球变暖.美国国会通过一项法案来减少二氧化碳在大气中的水平,否则人类是麻烦。根据一种或另一种方式,参议员Barbra Boxer和John Kerry将要推出其期待已久的法案在2009年12月,在全国范围征收温室气体排放量。环境保护署署长丽莎?杰克逊发布了旨在控制发电厂和其他大型工业排放物的法规。这些政府机构可以提出规则,提高公众意识来阻止全球变暖。
The evidence linking global warming and hurricanes is mounting. The warmer climate is heating up ocean waters, and warm ocean water fuels hurricanes. A 2005 MIT study found that the destructive potential of tropical storms has doubled over the past 30 years. It correlates this increasing ferocity with warmer sea surface temperatures, suggesting a strong link to global warming. Research at the Georgia Institute of Technology found that the number of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes has doubled since the 1970's. (Fight Global Warming, 2008).According to Dr. John Balmes of the American Lung Association of California, higher smog levels "may cause serious health problems, including damage to lung tissue, reduced lung function, asthma, emphysema, bronchitis and increased hospitalizations for people with cardiac and respiratory illnesses." Exposure to smog can do serious damage to our lungs and respiratory systems. Inflammation and irritation can cause shortness of breath, throat irritation, chest pains and coughing and lead to asthma attacks. (Fight Global Warming, 2008).Congress has to pass a bill to reduce carbon dioxides levels in the atmosphere, or otherwise the human population is in trouble. According to One way or Another, Senator Barbra Boxer, and John Kerry are going to introduce their long-awaited in bill in December 2009, to impose nationwide limits on greenhouse gas emissions. Lisa Jackson, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, issued proposed rules that would regulate emissions from power plants and other large industrial sources. These government agencies can propose rules, and raise public awareness to stop global warming.