
2017-09-26 20:54

作者指出,叙事作为一个渠道的学习是在三种不同的格式,“故事”的课程,讲故事,和自传(韦氏et al.,2007)。整体Foote指出的故事告诉通过叙事学是一个内涵是基于文化、故事传统,社会或精神影响每个一直以来以其独特的方式传授知识的手段(Foote,2015)。在教育领域,提供了一个强大的讲故事的节目主持人帮助学习者使凸连接提高学习经验。叙事学、成人发展,转化学习。我很欣赏作者所说的生活叙事是一种回顾性的活动,它不断地在自我揭示过程中展开。因为当你从叙事角度看待生活时,结果会赋予你权力。这是因为这不是发生了什么重要的人是怎样的事件它翻译的事情(韦氏et al.,2007)。我的想法是,重新存储的基础,没有积极的发现,即使在最不利的情况严重阻碍人的转型发展。内梅克说,在声明一个转变,转变一个角度看是不容易的因为有一个人生活的不平衡的原因。然而,如果一个人,一个可以恢复从学到的东西通过生活经验在手的问题变成一个人的角度在生活中的新的平衡(奈米克,2012)。
Narrative Learning Formats. The writer pointed out that that narratives as a conduit for learning comes in three distinct formats which are "storying" the curriculum, storytelling, and autobiography (Merriam et al., 2007). Overall as Foote points out the stories told through narrative learning be it a story with connotations that are based on culture, tradition, social or spiritual implications each has been in its unique way the means of knowledge impartation since time began (Foote, 2015). Educationally, storytelling provides the presenter with a powerful means of helping the learner to make salient connections which improves the learning experience.Narrative Learning, Adult Development, Transformational Learning. I appreciated what the writer stated concerning life narratives being a retrospective activity that is continually in the process of revealing itself - unfolding. For when one views life from a narrative perspective the result leads to empowerment. This happens because it's not what happens to anyone that matters it how the event it translated that matters (Merriam et al., 2007). My thoughts are, re-storying based that is devoid of the positives found even in the most negative of situations seriously retards one's transformative development. Nemec says that in stating that a transformation which shifts one perspective is not always easy because there is a cause for disequilibrium in one's life. However, if one chooses to, one can regain a new balance in life from what is learned through that life experience by changings one's perspective of the issue at hand (Nemec, 2012).