
2018-05-25 17:02

Inclusion for students with ASD is not different from inclusion for students with learning difficulties, which was discussed in the previous part. However, taking into consideration their specific characteristics is important in making schools a positive learning experience for them. ASD is " a lifelong developmental disability that affects the way in which a person communicates and related to people around them" .The term 'autism' derived form Greek word 'autos' which means 'self' and it was first identified by Kanner in 1943 and then by Hans Asperger in 1944 while they were studying children behaviours (Worth, Rynolds, 2008) and both of these researchers believed that children are born with it. The cause for this disorders is wildly believe to have a biological basis, however the research in this area is still ongoing .carried out a study about the notion of inclusion for autism and they examined this idea in wider context, which include the society and arrived to "inclusion can not rely on the interest, commitment and enthusiasm of one or two individuals" (Barnard et al, 2000, p.12). They emphasised the essential role for every individual who involved with the child to support the inclusion process. However, that does not mean involving some of the individuals and not all of them would result failing in including for students with ASD. Sugden (2010) stated that involving and training each individual in the school or in the society in which the child is involved in some manner, in a real situation may seem hard to achieve.