
2018-12-30 18:09

在他的教导中,苏格拉底从未透露答案,也没有透露真相。苏格拉底从来不教真理,而是教他的学生如何自己寻找真理。他只是教他的学生去发现。苏格拉底知道,没有人能回答出令他满意的有关勇气、美德和责任的问题。人们只是声称自己善良勇敢,却并不真正明白这意味着什么(Sherman, 1989)。亚里士多德认为,道德是一件人们不仅能够理解而且能够实现的事情。亚里士多德不同意苏格拉底的观点,即伦理学主要是关于美德的。苏格拉底还认为,一个人可以拥有美德,但不一定拥有自然科学中典型的数学知识。亚里士多德能够证明伦理和个人利益可能是相关的,伦理非常适合常识,一个有道德的人能够实现理性的决定。亚里士多德还区分了两种美德;道德和知识。道德美德是通过习惯性行为产生的。他认为人生来就有能力过一种高尚的生活。他还认为,教育对于培养人类养成良好行为习惯的能力至关重要。亚里斯多德认为,人们必须尽其所能地表现出美德,这样他们才能朝着成为美德迈出一步。他还认为,道德美德需要愉快地对待。他认为,人类在行善的同时,是无法承受痛苦的。如果一个人由于某种行为而遭受痛苦,那么他就不能被认为是有道德的.
In his teachings, Socrates never revealed answers, nor did he reveal the truth. Socrates never taught the truth but taught his students how to find the truth by themselves. He just taught his students to discover. Socrates knew that no person could answer the questions concerning courage, virtue and duty to his satisfaction. People just claimed to be virtuous and courageous without really knowing what this meant (Sherman, 1989). On the part of Aristotle, being virtuous was a thing that people could not only understand but also achieve. Aristotle disagrees with Socrates in arguing that ethics is primarily about virtues. Socrates also argues that a person can have virtues without necessarily having the kind of knowledge that typifies mathematics of nature science. Aristotle is capable of demonstrating that ethics and personal interest may be related, that ethics is well-suited to common sense, and that a virtuous person is capable of achieving rational decisions. Aristotle also made a distinction between two kinds of virtues; ethical and intellectual. Ethical virtues come about through habitual actions. He argued that people are born with the capacity to live a virtuous life. He also argues that education is essential in establishing human capability to make virtuous acts habitual. Aristotle believed that people have to act virtuously as much as they can and by doing so they make a step in becoming virtuous. He also believes that ethical virtues need to be attended with pleasure. He believed that human beings cannot be exposed to pain when they are acting virtuously. If a person is exposed to pain as a result of an action, then he cannot be considered virtuous