
2018-05-09 17:28

The use of school uniforms used to be restricted to private, "Catholic" schools. It is only in recent years that the issue of students wearing school uniforms in public schools has come up as an issue. This has become an issue as part of the broader discussion of educational reform. Public schools are looking to copy the success of private schools and are looking at school uniforms as part of this equation. It is thought that the use of school uniforms will improve the environment of public school campuses and to improve student academic achievement. The evidence should be carefully looked at before schools rush in to change their uniform policies. Schools uniforms should not be a requirement because proponents have not proved that they benefit students at the expense of their self-expression.An argument given by proponents of school uniforms is that school uniforms cut down on violence in schools and increase grades. But what do people really think of school uniforms? Many people believe that school uniforms hinder a student's ability to express themselves. Some people believe that school uniforms have no business in public schools. School uniforms are rising up as a big question in front of students, parents, and school administrations. To put school uniforms into effect, a vote must happen with the parents of the school district before bringing the idea up with the school board. The affected students should be allowed to give their opinions on the subject of school uniforms before it becomes policy.