
2017-04-02 00:21

Content analysis is a type of qualitative research method that involves counting the instances of words and then making inferences from these figures. Thematic analysis, however, is a related procedure that involves looking at a text in order to discover the themes that emerge from it, but it does not have the same emphasis on word frequencies. From this difference it can be seen that a thematic analysis aims to understand the data rather than know it.The procedure used for this thematic analysis was to read the extracts relating to benefit fraud and to make notes in the margin as themes arose in the coding. The themes that arose from all the extracts were then examined in total and any potential connections between the themes were analysed in terms of social psychological theories.In carrying out this analysis, one of the most important factors was maintaining a state of reflexivity. Marks & Yardley (2004) point to two important components of reflexivity in this type of study. The first is a social critique - this means examining how the themes relate to power structures in society. The second is the researcher considering their own attitudes towards the subject being investigated.