
2018-04-09 22:12

Technology is omnipresent, touching almost every moment our lives, our societies, our homes. It is a dominant aspect of our work. The Saudi Ministry of Education seeks to integrate technology into Saudi schools. Yet not all schools are provided by technology but the ministry works hard and exerts efforts to link the educational system with technological knowledge-based education. Integrating technology into classroom instruction goes beyond teaching the basic skills of computer and software programs in a separate computer class. valuable tech amalgamation must occur across the curriculum in and out the walls of the school. A successful technology adoption is achieved when it supports curricular purposes. It must endorse four key components of learning: frequent interaction, participation in groups, active engagement , feedback and connection to real-world experts. Technology also provides teachers with new teaching styles to assess student understanding by applying multiple means. It also strengths the relationship between teacher and student. Technology helps make teaching and learning more meaningful and fun.