
2018-07-27 13:55

徽章。我的想法来自我们关于新兴技术的报告。它是一种应用条件作用原理的形式,因为它是一种奖励系统。我对它的成功感到惊讶。我没有颁发积分,而是颁发徽章,把学校里的一切都记录下来。每当我没有列出一枚徽章时,我就会立即得到相关学生的反馈。我甚至在复习课上实现了这一点,并在讨论中提高了参与水平。学生们非但不害怕,反而抱怨没有机会背诵!信息图。我非常喜欢做我的信息图表,我决定这是我的课程的一个理想的活动。数学主要集中在逻辑-数学和视觉-空间智能。霍华德·加德纳(Howard Gardner)认为,人们对他定义的8种智能有不同的优势,他鼓励教师采用策略来解决孩子的学习能力。我觉得对于那些有艺术技能的人来说,这是一项理想的活动,而且受到了好评。提交的信息图表超出了我的预期。因为我的学生属于数字一代,他们擅长创作数字艺术品。我给了他们最低限度的指示,并简单地提供了我从EdTech 210获得的链接。
Badges. I got this idea from our report on Emerging Technologies. It is one form of applying the principle of conditioning since it is a reward system. I was surprised by its success. Instead of awarding points, I awarded badges and logged everything in schoology. Whenever I failed to list a badge, I immediately received feedback from the concerned student about it. I even implemented this in the recitations and I was able to increase the level of participation during discussions. Instead of being afraid, students were complaining about not being given the chance to recite! Infographics. I really enjoyed doing my infographics and I decided that this was an ideal activity for my classes. Math is mostly centered on logical-mathematical and visual spatial intelligences. Howard Gardner suggests that people have different strengths with respect to the eight intelligences that he has defined and he encourages teachers to employ strategies to address the learning strengths of children. I felt that this was an ideal activity for those who had artistic skills and it was well received. The submitted infographics exceeded my expectations. Since my students belong to the digital generation, they were adept at creating digital artwork. I gave them minimal instructions and simply provided them the links that I got from EdTech 210.