
2018-09-24 19:30

从广义上讲,David Kolb认为创造性学科(如艺术)的实践者处于发散象限。纯科学家和数学家处于同化象限。应用科学家和律师处于收敛象限。那些需要更直观地操作的专业人士,比如老师,都处于调适象限。也有差异在更一般的学科专家的位置。这表明,不同的领域需要不同的学习方式,并提出了常见的鸡生蛋和蛋生鸡的问题是否纪律促进特定的学习风格,还是首选的学习方式会导致收养一个纪律,当然,或两者兼而有之。(y学习风格是融合的学习风格。我认为我有能力解决实际问题。我可以通过解决问题和问题来解决问题和做出决定。我喜欢挑战和执行计划。我喜欢尝试新想法,喜欢实际应用。
Broadly speaking, David Kolb suggests that practitioners of creative disciplines, such as the arts, are found in the Divergent quadrant. Pure scientists and mathematicians are in the Assimilative quadrant. Applied scientists and lawyers are in the Convergent quadrant. Professionals who have to operate more intuitively, such as teachers, are in the Accommodative quadrant.There are also differences in the location of specialists within the more general disciplines .This would suggest that different subject areas call for different learning styles, and raises the usual chicken and egg question as to whether the discipline promotes a particular learning style, or whether preferred learning style leads to adoption of a discipline, or of course, both. (y learning style is the converging and accommodating one. I think I have the ability to find solution to practical issues. I can solve problems and make decisions by finding solutions to questions and problems. I like challenges and carry out plans. I like experiment with new ideas and work with practical application.