
2018-03-01 17:00

菲律宾是一个比非洲稍微发达的国家。有很多孩子的夫妻在这两个国家都很常见。大部分的研究始于17-19岁。台湾的一项研究表明,危险因素和出生结果会影响少女怀孕。最近台湾的生育率下降了,而在亚洲,青少年的生育率最高。对于台湾来说,控制青少年怀孕仍然是一个具有挑战性的问题。12-22岁对一个人来说是至关重要的一年,他会探索各种各样的好奇心,这些好奇心会对你产生消极和积极的影响。在怀孕期间,吸烟对青少年母亲的吸烟率有显著提高,但在饮酒方面几乎是一样的。这些都是影响母亲的原因,尤其是婴儿出生时。这可能会导致不同的畸形甚至流产。尤其是在第三世界的社区里。另一项研究指出,考虑到社会文化因素,少女早期的良好营养是必不可少的。能够以不同方式引导他们的程序将是防止早期受孕的关键。在印度,近三分之一的婴儿出生时体重较低。主要原因是贫穷导致营养和疾病。Kumar等人(2007)显示出(26.1%)和死产(4%)的高结果(4%),而Bhalerao等人(1990)在少女怀孕期间,除了早产(14%)外,还报告了明显较高的自然流产比例(8.6%)。据说,更好地规划适当的措施来改善这种情况。研究表明,生活在农村地区的个人在儿童和青少年时期营养不良。印度约36%的育龄妇女的体重指数较低(BMI <18.5 kg/m2)。年轻农村女童的孕前营养状况不良是营养和社会因素的结果,因此有必要研究其对生殖健康的交互作用。
The Philippines is a slightly developed country than Africa. Couples who have a lot of children is very common in both countries. Most of the started at the age 17-19 years. A study in Taiwan showed what risk factors and birth outcomes affect adolescent pregnancies. Fertility rates declined in Taiwan recently even thou birthrate in teenagers is highest in Asia. It remains a challenging issue for Taiwanese to control adolescent pregnancy. Ages 12-22 is critical year for an individual in exploring various curiosity that can affect negatively and positively. Smoking had significant higher rates of smoking during pregnancy for adolescent mothers but in drinking it was almost alike. These are causes that affect a mother dramatically and especially the baby upon birth. This could different deformities and even miscarriage. In tends to be worse especially in communities of the third world. Another study pointed out that in view of socio-cultural factors and good nutrition in early life for girls is essential. Programs that can guide them in different ways would be key to prevent early conception. In India, nearly one third of babies are low in birth weight. The main cause would be poverty which leads to under nutrition and diseases. Kumar et al. (2007) showed a high result of (26.1%) and stillbirths (4%) while Bhalerao et al. (1990) have reported a significantly higher proportion (8.6%) of spontaneous abortion in addition to premature labor (14%) in teenage pregnancy. It is said that better planning of appropriate measures to improve the situation. Studies show that individuals living in rural areas are undernourished throughout childhood and adolescence. About 36% women of reproductive age in India have low body mass index (BMI <18.5 kg/m2. Poor prepregnancy nutritional status of young rural girls is a result of nutritional as well as social factors and therefore, it is necessary to examine their interactive effect on reproductive health.