
2018-09-09 09:55

Low tracks遭遇了更多的课堂管理问题,更多地关注社会问题而不是学术问题。跟踪并不能使有效的学校教育在所有学生中得到平等和公平的分配。相反,它把最有价值的学校经历分配给那些已经拥有最大的学术、经济和社会优势的学生。我倾向于保守和传统的教学方式,因此,我认为以教师为中心的哲学方法更符合我的思想。对多年生的人来说,现实是一个理性的世界,会倾向于通过高度自律的训练和行为控制来教授科目和教义的课程。孩子们带着大量的知识和兴趣来到学校。然而,学校的工作是教他们不知道的东西,并以系统和有组织的方式教这些东西。学生在那里学习他们不知道的东西,因此,环境应该以任务为导向和纪律。不是用孤立的信息碎片填满他们的大脑,而是用系统的知识填满他们的大脑。他们需要学习,随着年龄的增长,他们需要来自学科的人类洞察力和技能。
Low tracks suffered from more classroom management problems, and focused more on social rather than academic matters. Tracking does not result in the equal and equitable distribution of effective schooling among all students. Instead, it allocates the most valuable school experiences to students who already have the greatest academic, economic, and social advantages.I tend to lean toward the conservative and traditional way teaching, therefore, I fine the Teacher-Centered Philosophy approach is more in-line with my thinking. For the Perennialist, reality is a world of reason and would favor a curriculum of subjects and doctrine, taught through highly disciplined drill and behavior control.Kids come to school with lots of knowledge and lots of interests. However, the job of the school is to teach them what they do not know and teach these things in a systematic and organized way. The students are there to learn what they do not know, thus, the environment should be task oriented and disciplined. It is not to fill their minds with isolated fragments of information but to fill them with systematic knowledge. They need to learn, and as they get older, they need human insights and skills that come from the disciplines.