
2017-03-10 14:10

在医疗环境中,慢性疾病的定义是,它持续了相当长的一段时间或有一系列的复发随着时间的推移。慢性疾病包括关节炎和哮喘。慢性疾病的一个重要方面是,往往会有一个延长的治疗计划,必须坚持以最大的利益的病人。坚持的研究表现出显着的不遵守,因此一些研究集中在确定的因素,可能会影响遵守。在研究患者对医疗方案的依从性时,90年代以前的研究倾向于关注病人(Dunbar Jacob,1993)。这已大大扩大,看看其他因素可能会影响患者的依从性,如医生的行为,治疗的成本和效益和各种其他因素。


In a medical setting, the definition of chronic illness is that it goes on for a relatively long period of time or has a series of recurrences over time. Examples of chronic illnesses include arthritis and asthma. One important aspect of chronic illnesses is that there will often be an extended treatment plan that must be adhered to for the maximum benefit to the patient. Studies of adherence have shown a remarkable degree of non-compliance and so some research has focussed on identifying the factors that might affect compliance. When researching patient adherence to medical treatment programmes, studies before the 90s tended to focus on the patient (Dunbar-Jacob, 1993). This has since been widened considerably to look at the other factors that might effect the patients compliance such as the physician's behaviour, the costs and benefits of the treatment and a variety of other factors.
One long-standing theoretical model that has been used to try and predict people's behaviour in relation to chronic illness is the health belief model (HBM, Rosenstock, 1974). This model has at its core that the motivation to take action is directly affected by beliefs about whether the action is worth taking and the likely prospects of its outcome. So for example, this might include the patient weighing up the benefit to the treatment against the costs and including some conception of the likely threat that the disease poses. This model has been used to try and predict people's medication-taking behaviour in a variety of studies. These had generally found that the health behaviour model was effective in predicting behaviour. Bond, Aiken, and Somerville (1992), however found something curious: a decreased threat produced an increase in adherence to a drug regime. Why would patients with more chronic illness be less inclined to take their medication?
